Running photo AI 1.4 on batch of lightroom jpgs replaces last image with second last photo AI image

Version 1.4.0 (as with previous versions) creates tif copies of Lightroom jpg images with the word “Edit” appended to the original file name (I choose edit a copy with Lightroom adjustments). It then goes to Photo AI and processes the first image. When I select “Save 3 images to Adobe Lightroom Classic” I wait until photo AI finishes processing them all, and returns to Lightroom.

The problem with 1.4.0 is that it does not appear to process the last image in my batch of photos, but instead prematurely returns to lightroom where it replaces the last image with the second last one that photo AI processed (while keeping the file name of the last image).

I now have a number of corrupted photo AI images in my lightroom catalogue with photo AI images that do not match with the original named image. It works fine if i only process one image at a time.

Topaz Photo AI [v1.4.0] on Windows

We are creating stress tests for batch processing to detect and start fixing these issues.

At the moment I unfortunately don’t have a solution for this in your specific workflow to ensure batches are working.

If you use larger batches it’s possible that the issue is not as severe so you only need to reprocess one of the last images.

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