[RESOLVED BY USING RAW WORKFLOW] - RAW Monochrome file error: Output invalid / unsupported or damaged

Using Lightroom Classic, I sent a photo to Photo AI as a TIFF. In Photo AI, I applied DeNoise and Upscale. Back in Lightroom Classic, an error was reported that the TIFF image is unsupported or damaged and that Lightroom was not able to read the file.

This zip file contains a screenshot of the error from Lightroom Classic and the TIFF from Photo AI.

Archive.zip (37.0 MB)

Steps to reproduce issue:

  1. From LR Classic, Edit In → Photo AI
  2. Apply DeNoise and Upscale
  3. Send back to LR Classic

Topaz Photo AI [3.0.4] on [Mac]

8 posts were merged into an existing topic: Black and White File Fails to Export to Lightroom Classic

Hello -

I see this was split to another thread, however I am unable to reply on that thread as it’s locked. My last post was not replied to. Please update and advise if additional information is needed.


This is a known issue with monochrome that we are currently working on fixing.

In the meantime, I would recommend this workaround:

  1. Change the RAW file from monochrome to color.
  2. Process your Photo in Photo AI as usual.
  3. Convert the output color file back to monochrome.

I currently do not have an exact timeframe for this issue; however, I can assure you that our developers are hard at work trying to resolve this problem.

I also added your information to the Developer’s ticket, and we will circle back with you directly here on this thread once the fix for the black & white/monochrome issue has been released.

Thanks, John. Appreciate the info and follow-up.


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I’m running latest Photo AI 3.2.0 on a MacBook Pro M1 Max/Sonoma. When I convert a raw file to B&W in LR, then send it to Photo AI, the resulting file is listed as “unsupported or damaged” by LrCC. (LrCC is 13.5, files are Nikon Z9 NEF.) Loading the TIF file into Photoshop 2024 (25.11.0) reveals that the TIF file has an invalid IICC profile, which PS ignores. If I save the file from Ps, it will put some kind of valid profile in and then LrCC can read it, but it gets the colors wrong, as one might expect.

A workaround is to convert back to color, Edit in → Photo AI, then convert back to B&W upon return of the TIF file. Of course this is not really a good workflow for a photographer that does a lot of work in B&W…

This has been happening for several versions now, probably at least a month or six weeks.

Steps to reproduce issue:

  1. Import NEF into LrCC
  2. Convert to B&W
  3. Edit In → Photo AI
  4. do something - I am certain that sharpen all causes this
  5. Save back to LrCC
  6. LrCC complains.

Topaz Photo AI [v1.x.x] on [Windows/Mac]

This topic was automatically closed after 60 days. New replies are no longer allowed.

New problem last few days: raw files sent to Topaz Photo AI are converted to tiff, processed, then sent back to Lightroom where they are then reported to be ‘damaged and unsupported’.

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Update: this problem only occurs with monochrome images, colour images seem to be processed OK

I am also getting this problem after the recent update. It is intermittent. Mac M1, Sonoma 14.0 and Topaz Photo AI 2.0.7

Messing with my process. What is the fix??

Also, when I do “edit in Photo Ai” the Topaz screen is very mini. I cannot even see the image.

More than a half year later:
I’ve the same problem on my PC (Windows 11, Topaz Photo AI 3.1.0, monochrome profile set on top of the RAW-file in LrC before sending it to Topaz).
It seems that there is no better solution than to start the RAW-file-processing with a short trip to Topaz and finish the processing with the DNG in LrC (inkl. setting of the monochrome profile on top).
Or is there any other way?

I am also having problems when doing it to a black and white image

When I right-click on a B&W photo (color photos process without an issue) and choose Edit in Topaz Photo AI using the “Edit a Copy with Lightroom adjustments”, the photo that is returned to Lightroom after editing is damaged and cannot be edited any longer in Lightroom. Opening the resulting TIF in Photoshop works, but even PS complains that there is a broken, invalid ICC profile embedded in the file:


Instead of right-clicking and choosing “Edit In Topaz Photo AI” if I choose File → Plug-in Extras → Process with Topaz Photo AI, the photo is processed as a RAW color file, and I cannot see the B&W adjustments in Photo AI. When it is sent back to Lightroom, it is not damaged, but since I could see the B&W changes in Photo AI, the result is not what I wanted.

In this ticket from February you promised to fix the issue: TIFF files returned to Lightroom from Photo AI v2.3.2 are damaged

It’s the same with me. They promised a fix almost a year ago, but no one delivered.

The Topaz edits work and seem to generate an actual TIF that can be viewed in the Finder and Preview no problem… But Lightroom shows it as a file with an errror… Even after shutting down and reopening Lightroom… Synchronising folder… Still shows as a ‘greyed out’ error file.

The TIF file does not open in Photoshop either… It says The embedded ICC profile cannot be used because the ICC profile is invalid. Ignoring the profile.

But still shows as an openable file in Preview and shows as a thumnail in Finder… ?? Really weird because Topaz was working fine before… The only difference is I recently reinstalled everything after my laptop was repaired.

All apps including Topaz and Adobe related apps are currrently up to date!
Reallly frustrated as I need to get these images to my client!

New info - if I ‘edit in Photoshop’ then save it as a TIF from there… THEN select the TIF file in Lightroom to ‘edit in Topaz’ it works and saves on that TIF no problem… It seesm just the usual / previously used process isn’t working.

Steps to reproduce issue:

  1. Go to Lightroom, select the DNG raw file (as i’ve done before when Topaz was working fine with Lightroom), right click and ‘edit in Topaz’
  2. Do all the processing desired in Topaz, then generate… It generates as usual, the bar fills to show it’s complete
  3. The newly created TIF file shows in Lightroom, but remains ‘greyed out’ with an exclamation mark… 4. Try to export a JPG in case it’s just showing greyed out… Says there’s an error in the file.
  4. Try synchronising folder in case it needs to refresh… Still stays greyed out as an error file.

Topaz Photo AI v3.3.1 on Mac]

I would need to see your complete workflow, from beginning to end to show the development team.

You can use the program of your choice to do a screen recording.

  • We recommend using Loom, it’s a great free application for this. Here is a link to their page explaining how to download and use Loom. Once your Loom recording ready, you will get a link to the video, please send me back this link here.


Just to join in on this, I also have this problem with OM System .ORF files and Panasonic .RW2 files, but only if they have had a monochrome profile applied in Lightroom Classic. The workaround suggested by boa also works for me.

I can look at making a recording in the next few days

Lightroom 14.0.1
Photo AI v3.2.0 & v3.3.1
macOS 15.1

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I was having similar issue. I was processing some Monochrome images with LR Classic and passing them to Topaz Photo AI. After coming back to LR Classic, the TIF files were corrupt in LR. I applied a color profile instead and it worked fine. After the files were back in LR, I then reapplied the Monochrome profile.

If you get a damaged or corrupted error, the issue is that we recently support RAW monochrome files, but not non-RAW ones.

This means that from LrC, you have to use the RAW plug-in path: File > Plug-in Extras > Process with Topaz Photo AI.

Do not use Edit in (or right-click Edit in) - that is for JPEG files, and it not only revokes your access to RAW Denoise, it also revokes the ability to get a DNG/RAW file back to LrC.

Use the File path and no errors will occur.

[Please describe your issue here. Try to include logs (Help → Logging) and add screenshots if necessary.]

Steps to reproduce issue:

  1. Step 1 image set for denoise, sharpening and face detection
  2. Step 2 preview obtained
  3. Step 3 Exported to Lightroom but it fails as above

Topaz Photo AI [v1.x.x] on [Windows/Mac]