Question about order of filters in v3.0.1

On this page, we see that frame interpolation occurs prior to enhancement. I am curious as to the reason for this order, since this would result in more processing time than if enhancement were done first.

I presume there may be more control of this on the command line, but I haven’t looked into that much yet (definitely going there eventually).


If it’s anything like VEAI 2.6.4, doing frame interpolation on a smaller resolution is much faster. Doing the interpolation after upscaling gives better results but at about three times the processing time. I think that only maters if your source is not very clean. If it’s super clean, interpolating first will yield the same result as after.

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Thanks. I am undecided on this, however, I figured out how to run enhance and interpolate in either order desired via the command line, so I may play around with this to confirm the times involved:

“D:\Program Files\Topaz VEAI 3 Beta\ffmpeg” -ss 0 -t 30 -hide_banner -nostdin -y -i “” -c:v hevc_nvenc -profile:v main -preset slow -pix_fmt yuv420p -vf “veai_up=model=ahq-12:scale=2, veai_fi=model=chf-3:fps=60” “OutputVideo.mkv”

I believe the above would represent a 200% upscale followed by interpolation to 60 fps. Reverse the veai_up and veai_fi filters to reverse the order they occur in.

I would also like some solid documentation.
For now, I’m okay with setting things in the GUI and looking at the command it builds to figure out what parameters I can enter into what filter.