When I try processing an image with tpai.exe CLI in CMD, the process crashes with the following output:
C:\Program Files\Topaz Labs LLC\Topaz Photo AI>tpai.exe “C:\Users\music\OneDrive\Daten\Temp\output1.jpg”
Checking if log directory should be pruned. Currently have 11 log files.
Number of logs exceeds max number to keep ( 10 ). Cleaning excess logs.
Logger initialized
Application settings:
Overwrite Files: 0
Recurse Directories: 0
Input File Count: 1
Output Folder: Source folder
Output Format: Preserve
Jpeg quality: 95
Png compression level: 2
Tiff compression: none
Tiff bit depth: 16
Autopilot settings:
Face Detection: auto
Face Strength: 80
Sharpen Blurs: medium,high
Auto Upscaling Type: auto
Auto Upscaling Factor: 2
Default Subject Type: Subject
ExifTool loaded!
Warning: failed to load Config_git.pl, something strange about this perl…
[ WARN:0@1,941] global C:.conan\918058\1\source_subfolder\modules\core\src\matrix_expressions.cpp (1334) cv::MatOp_AddEx::assign OpenCV/MatExpr: processing of multi-channel arrays might be changed in the future: core: inconsistency of addition for multi-channel Mat and Scalar · Issue #16739 · opencv/opencv · GitHub
Error | Unknown scale mode: “”
Error | AIEngine setup failed for “ghq” on device -2
Error | AI Engine Load Exception: Could not load model
Error | [CLI] Engine returned error: “Could not load model”
2023-07-11-14-56-4_ERROR_CLI.tzlog (60.8 KB)
The error occurs with any image.
Topaz Photo AI v1.4.0 on Windows