Photo AI

[Please describe your issue here. Try to include logs (Help → Logging) and add screenshots if necessary.]

Steps to reproduce issue:

After exporting, can’t close the Tppaz Labs Plugin (small one). The only way is cancel…
Then the image become oblique lines
Photoshop 25.7.0

Topaz Photo AI [v3.01] on [Windows]

Please send me your system profile information so I can check if your computer hardware is up to date.

You can securely submit your files(s) to my Dropbox using the link below.

Please be sure to send me a note here to let me know you sent something.

The program is working stand alone
Not working in Photoshop
I will ask a refund anyway because there is no real improvement in the
new version for the kind of work I do

Thank you

Daniel Thomas

If you are wanting a refund for your purcahse you can reach out to us at the following link:

Topaz Labs | Support Page

Or you can send us an email at

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