Annoyingly, RAW Denoise in Photo AI - 2.4.2, opens whether or not it is wanted and then there’s no options to turn it off or select areas of a photo to use Denoise.
Another annoying aspect in 2.4.2 is suddenly now grossly overdone contrast which has never been an issue or even existed prior to this version. Why was it even introduced as it wasn’t necessary and it really messes up night photos, notably it seems more so in high ISO night photos. Even using another program to try to calm it just doesn’t work.
Where I need to reduce noise in high ISO night photos, Denoise in Photo AI used to not be a problem, but now with this grossly overdone contrast, effectively Photo AI 2.4.2, is all but useless. Luckily I have DeNoise AI and Sharpen AI but neither of those were quite as good separately as Sharpen and Denoise were in previous Photo AI versions.
Not happy with Photo AI v 2.4.2 and looking forward to a fix for these issues.