[Panasonic S5 II X] - Click here for workarounds for this unsupported camera

Please, could you do something about panasonic raw file support (s5IIX)? It’s a dealbreaker as working with original raw files gives better results.
I’m not the only one here, so please, do something about it or at least, give us a valid reason why this issue is still ongoing!

Currently, Photo AI uses LibRaw’s open-source software to handle RAW files, and unfortunately, this camera model is not yet supported. I am not able to locate any details regarding recent support for that camera model. Would you mind sending over a link, and I will be sure to share it with the development team?

In the meantime, the workaround is to convert your RAW files to DNG. I’ve included some details below on workflows that can help with this processing:

  1. If you have Lightroom Classic, Import your RAW files into Lightroom Classic and make sure you select “Copy as DNG”, then Use the RAW plugin of Photo AI accessed through File > Plug-in Extras > Process with Topaz Photo AI

  2. You can also use another program of your choice.

  3. A great free option is the Adobe DNG Converter.

I’ve also added your request to an ongoing support ticket with our development team. We’ll be sure to reach out as soon as we can provide more information or have a version that supports your camera.

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I came here as I still don’t think LibRAW supports the Panasonic s5iix due to the failure to export (or save) to and dng file. That being said, I’ve used TOPAZ since the summer and it has never had a problem reading the .rw2 file am I thinking I’m working with RAW and not? It performs raw denoise every time (unless I of course am using lightroom, but that’s due to me already having edits necessitating a copy creation to tiff first. But otherwise, I was under the impression that Panasonic S5iix was supported (except for the export). Just trying to make sure I understand what the original POSTer is saying. Even cloud rendering works with the file. I’ll try the DNG workaround to see if that will work for instances where I want to also save to a DNG file (which in this case I do).

@james.wehmeyer - Make sure you test the DNG workaround yes, and it will allow for export back to LrC without errors. also, if you get a TIFF, i suspect you are using the wrong menu path in LrC, make sure to use FILE > PLUG-IN EXTRAS > PROCESS WITH TOPAZ PHOTO AI, this will give you access to RAW Denoise, and give better results then using the EDIT IN path, which is for users that shoot in JPEG :slight_smile:

@suppernico and @james.wehmeyer - if you have time, can you send us an email to support@topazlabs.com with a link to one of your original files? It will allow us to create a development team ticket to look into officially supporting this camera! :grinning:

Sure can! I will send 3 of some of my favorites. To be clear TOPAZ reads the RW2 files just fine the issue is only as it relates to exporting. I am also able to successfully convert it to dng and export to dng using the converter…which is better…still flattened in relation to a raw…but it is better. I hope you like. It will contain actually 6 files… 3 RW2s representing the Raw files of Panasonic specific to the Lumix S5iix. It will have the 3 cropped in and edited versions of those 3 in jpg. 2 from the marching season of 2023…and 1 from the 2024 Marching season. that last one of the colorguard swinging the flag…is what I used to really have some fun with Gigapixel…looking closely it quite frankly was awesome. When asked I love talking about what Topaz can do… of course I do let them know to slowly take up the creativity…jumping to level 6 can be amazing beautiful…or the stuff of nightmares. HAHAHA The key is just to brace yourself before you look. When I want to increase my workflow speed…photo AI is the ticket…when I want to have fun most definitely gigapixel…the only issue is I find myself on a single photo for hours playing with those settings… it is a joy to say the least. - Turned my moniker from the Volunteer Band Photographer to the “Musician’s ART-ographer”. Trademarked it immediately…too fun! on the downside, it resulted in me wanting to hit retirement about 15 years too soon…who wants to manage the project management office when you can do this. :smiley:

yes make sure to send us the files at our support email!

Also, the DNG workaround until this is a supported camera, it will not be flattened, can you give details on what you mean by this “still flattened in relation to a raw”?

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--------Dont see a solution. .RAW files and just using Autopliot. Every file fails with this error

what is the camera model you shot with? does the error occur when saving to another place such as your desktop?

Panasonic S5IIX is the camera. .RAW files are what I am editing off and I’m saving them in the same folder. I just tried to save to the desktop and same error.

Thanks, that confirms that this camera is not supported yet. Supported Cameras | Topaz Photo AI

Until it is, you can convert he file to DNG, and the DNG RAW file will work in Photo AI. We have files for this camera that other users have given us, and we are working on its support.

To convert the file to DNG:

Its on the way Kevin…it would have probably been supported months ago had I thought to say something back originally…and it is as far as I can say supported in that it can read the file and make edits…as long as you export to tiff, than you are good. You just can’t to export to DNG. Now, that being said, and TOPAZ would have to correct me on this one, as my photos tend not to have much in the way of noise, most of what I do so far has been to enhance an already lightroom image by leveraging everything after the fact. I know that I lose out on the raw denoise that way, (which again, I can still do as long as I export to tiff). Now, if there is a world of something else I am missing beyond that until the camera is supported, than I need to be schooled a bit as I haven’t a clue what that would be. I did upload my .rw2 files about a month ago, so they are working on it. They are aware that it is the flagship model in panasonic’s line as well. I don’t know exactly how complicated the work is to make it compatible, nor could I tell you why it is any different than and S5ii with regards to image as Panasonic Lumix markets the x version as more of a streaming technical ability with licenses built into its cost rather than it being a “different” camera with regards to image than the s5ii and perhaps even the s5 for that matter. I also know external devices communicate with the camera differently between the models, but again, other than the external tech details or “features” I didn’t thin the camera images and how they are encoded were different, but they must be otherwise DNG exports would work.

@kevin.hashimoto and @james.wehmeyer You can still edit the RAW files, just have to convert them to DNG PRIOR to putting them in Photo AI. That can be done with COPY AS DNG in LrC import or the * Adobe DNG Converter. Then you can edit this DNG in Photo AI and get back a DNG. We would not recommend to convert to TIFF and then edit In Photo AI as you lose ability to use RAW Denoise in Photo AI.