My Grandfather's camera


Nice details and I never saw a camera like this. Are the 2 openings at the top for viewing the subject?

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Great image Terry! Done a little snooping around - Houghton-Butcher J-B Ensign


very nice image, Terry (@el48tel) and great bit of history Wayne (@Michigander)

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Nice, historical piece and after all not that long ago

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I think these are viewfinders for portrait/landscape

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Thanks @cre8art @Michigander @FlickColeman @Laundromat @Mond for your thoughts and comments and observations
The camera may have no re-sale value but its sentimental value makes it priceless. I’ve had it since the mid eighties, it didn’t go to one of my cousins, AND IT WORKS. It sits on a display shelf by the front door with other cameras I had from other friends and relatives. They make a “talking point”. A couple of cameras are absent because they went to charity shops before I realised what I should have, and since have, done.
From the pictures I remember, I think it is early in the production run rather than late.

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Great capture and details …

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@BobKramer thanks - glad you liked it