Mouse pointer dose not line up, and program does not fit the screen

The program cannot go full screen and my mouse pointer must be above the tabs to be able to select it.

Topaz Photo AI [v3.2.0] on Windows

I would like for you to follow the steps below to clear the registry, as some of the application’s display information is kept there:

After this process, let me know if you are still experiencing the problem, and if so, we will need some more information about the machine you are using with Topaz Photo AI.

To do this, please send me your full system profile following the information in the link below:

How To Obtain Your System Profile (Windows)

You can securely submit your files(s) to my Dropbox using the link below.

Please be sure to send me a note here to let me know you sent something.

I have sent you my computer’s specs. I tried to delete the registry and that did not work. Is there a way to use the previous version from last year when I first purchased it?
Thank You
Ron Willey

I’ve reviewed the information about your machine, and unfortunately, the dxdiag file confirms that your machine does not meet our Minimum System Requirements. I have included a link to our Topaz Labs Documentation page for your review:

Topaz Photo AI | System Requirements

Your machine has a GPU that is an Intel HD 4600, which only has about 2GB of VRAM.

We do have Topaz Photo AI v3.0.4 and v2.4.2, which may give you a more stable application for this machine. You can use the following links to download these installers for your review:

Topaz Photo AI | v2.4.2 | Windows Installer

  • The older interface will be the fastest version your computer can run

Topaz Photo AI | v3.0.4 | Windows Installer

  • The newer interface that all v3 have, but v3.0.4 does not have the new Autopilot updates
  • It can sometimes work on underpowered machines, however, will be slower than v2.4.2

Once you have chosen a version and downloaded the application, please go to Edit > Preferences> General > AI Processor and set the option to CPU . Using the CPU is not ideal, since the CPU RAM is not dedicated to graphics, but it can give you better performance for this machine.