Models not Downloading and Model Manager not Downloading

Trying to export a video and the model continues to download (apparently) but nothing happens. Also the Model Manager says “Connection Handling Canceled” (sic)
When I switched from an ethernet connection to a wifi connection, it worked for a minute but now not at all.
No firewall installed.
Wondering if there is something in the code that disallows my computer to download within an app, given that other apps can download, install updates etc?

What is your default web browser? Do you have any extensions running that could be blocking connections? Can you share the logs here for review to see what is going on inside the app?

To gather logs, please select Help > Logging > Get Logs for Support and attach the zip file to your reply.

Safari. Don’t know, it is a company laptop

2024-09-12-12-26-58-Main.tzlog (207.4 KB) (247.5 KB)

Justin, can you send the support staff a direct email with the logs and the hosts file from your system?

Open a Finder window and hit “Shift+Command+g” and then type this file path into it: /private/etc/hosts