Metal Art

Seen at a local car show today. Some outstanding paint jobs can usually be seen at these shows, outstanding but still within the norm. This owner took it to the extreme.


This is cool

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Yes, it’s cool. Looks like it’s been covered in tattoos! Great PP.


Lots of money spent on those paint jobs …nice treatment of this cool ride.

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I’m sure if the owner of the truck, seen this image, he certainly would want a print. Very cool!

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Very cool truck image and paint job. I love the treatment on the truck and the background color/ painterly style works perfectly with it. I agree with Wayne, you should approach the owner about buying a print? I have sold a few at car shows.

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Unfortunately, I do not know it’s owner. A lot of photos were taken…some turn out well and lend themselves to working on, others prove to be disappointing…too many distractions to remove or bad angles. If seen again, knowing that we have a good image, a little different than he might have.I’ll approach the owner. Glad you like it.

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