Mac shuts program down as soon as I load a photo


Topaz opens fine but shuts down immediately when I load an image.

I need an urgent fix for this please.


Up! Same issue here.

Same problem here…
I tried a full reinstall but it crashes the same.
I tried to set to CPU of M1 > same result… instant crash

Same here - no matter what type of file or method i use to import it to Topaz.

same here. is everyone on 3.3.3?

This is my case to resolve crash, I don’t know what is the exact reason.

Edit > Preferences
AI processor - GPU
Lens correction - off (on may cause crash)
Check disk space - off (on maybe no matter)
Enabel in-app model downloads - off (on maybe no matter)
Update zoom after upscaling - off
Privacy - Anonymous usage tracking - off

Autopilot (it maybe important)
Automatically apply filters - off (it maybe important)
Default AI model - Standard
Denoise - Always off
Default AI model - Normal
RAW denoise > Default AI model - Normal
Sharpen > Enabel when detected blur is - Always off
Default AI model - Auto
Default selection - Subject
Recover faces - Low quality (recommended)
Preserve text > Default AI model - Low resolution

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