Latest update (1.4.1) messes up EVERY photo

See the image I uploaded (this is the second message, with a second upload).

You should test new updates before you release them to the public. This is occurring only because I updated Photo AI this morning.

I have photos that need post-processing. So, either I remove Topaz Photo AI from my workflow or you fix it or you let me download the previous version.

I checked. The pixellated image in your window is what gets written to disk. So, it’s not just what appears on the screen.

You probably need to update your GPU drivers.

Previous downloads are on this forum, just gotta search … :grin:

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I should have replied earlier. Updating the driver did the trick.

Why? I have no clue. But you were right.

Thank you,


@stevennoelroth It looks like @AiDon was able to help you out! Let us know if you have any other questions.