Latest Photo AI plug-in crashes in both LR Classic and Photoshop

I have the latest NVIDIA update, but this started a few days before I updated it; and directly after I installed the latest Photo AI update last week (1.3.12).

What happens: After making my adjustments in Topaz Photo AI, I “apply” the changes. The program then crashes and an “Error: launch plug-in failure” pops up.

Please get the application to crash. Then reopen Topaz Photo AI go to the menu bar on the top and click the Help > Open Log Folder menu option. Email me all the logs files that you can see in the window that opens.
Log Folder

I should be able to determine what is happening and send next steps with this information.

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I tried it again after today’s update using my NVIDIA program as the AI Processor and it now seems to be working. However, in the past few updates, I hadn’t seen this issue being addressed. Has it been?

Without the logs I’m not clear what the exact issue on your computer was.

It’s possible that updating Topaz Photo AI fixed a file that was corrupted or missing.

2023-07-20-14-44-24.tzlog (16.2 KB)
2023-07-22-19-23-43.tzlog (98.6 KB)
2023-07-22-20-24-47.tzlog (160.3 KB)
2023-07-22-20-27-16.tzlog (98.7 KB)
2023-07-23-17-43-29.tzlog (154.9 KB)

2023-07-24-16-30-52.tzlog (124.8 KB)
2023-07-24-18-13-31.tzlog (102.0 KB)
2023-07-24-19-20-57.tzlog (781.6 KB)
2023-07-24-19-52-16.tzlog (80.3 KB)
2023-07-24-19-53-35.tzlog (10.1 KB)

Actually, it’s still happening. What a pain!!! However, the CPU is working just fine as the graphic interface. I just wish it all worked the way it’s supposed to.

We are working on a build that should address this soon. I was able to find the issue in the new logs.

I would recommend processing using the Intel UHD instead of CPU as that should be faster.

Please install this version which has a potential fix for the crashing on your NVIDIA RTX Ax000 graphics card:

Process some images and let me know what happens. If you see any errors or issues, open Topaz Photo AI, go to the menu bar on the top and click the Help > Open Log Folder menu option. Email me all the logs files that you can see in the window that opens.

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