[KNOWN ISSUE: SQUARE GRID ARTIFACTS] - Click here if you get this

@paul.mirfin - I tested your file sent and do not get any grid issues. I am replying to your support email with the link to download my export with no grid and potential fixes to test on your side. Make sure to reply to my support email with the results of your tests!

EDIT: after troubleshooting with Paul, using the correct workflow from LrC fixed any artifact issues!

@ChrisLord Have a look at the very top of this thread for your issue with the Grid artifact.

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I am getting TWO odd repeated artefact patterns:
(1) One is almost like small chevrons in smooth blue sky areas at just above the pixel level, producing repeated diagonal lines across the sky;
(2) The second pattern is a much larger non-repeating artefact of weak vertical and horizontal bars, almost like a window frame with mottling inside. These occur in a different part of the same plain blue sky, in the same photo.

I have put the ORF file through RawDenoise (Normal) + Sharpen (Standard) actions several times. Both patterns appear in each iteration, but the ’window frame’ bars appear differently each time.

Interestingly, neither pattern is visible in the ’Original’ view of the Topaz-created DNG in Lightroom. They only show when masks and processing are applied (to deepen the blue of the sky). These same masks are also applied to the original ORF in Lightroom and DO NOT show any artefact patterns in the sky.

I wish I could include screen shots of what I am seeing, because the window frame + mottling is visible without zooming. The ’chevrons’ appear at 200% and the overall diagonal pattern they create is visible at 100%

Steps to reproduce issue:

  1. Export ’Original’ from Lightroom (Cloud-based) to a dedicated folder.
    2.Open ORF in Topaz Photo AI
  2. Raw Demoise (Normal) and Sharpening (Standard) are applied.
  3. Export to same folder as DNG.
  4. Add to Lightroom (Cloud-based).
  5. Apply ’Light’, ’Colour’, and ’Masks’ processing to the DNG (but not ’Detail’)

Topaz Photo AI v3.4.2 on Mac

@terry.mcdonald Please have a look at the top of this page for the grid artifact.

After reporting this issue to Topaz Labs, I was referred to this post (https://community.topazlabs.com/t/known-issue-square-grid-artifacts-click-here-if-you-get-this/85859), which doesn’t seem to pertain to my issue as it is not ‘square grid artifact’.

Attached is my System Profile:
Sequoia 15.2

And here is what the problem looks like . . . It is actually THREE problems that have repeatedly shown up with this file
(1) a faint mottling of blue on blue in the sky (upper right of over pic below)

(2) a repeated pattern in the noise/grain of the sky that forms diagonal bans more visible with increased zoom;

(3) distinct ‘pin hole’ white spots in the sky, which only shown up in full sized versions

Each of the above are screen shots from the DNG from Topaz that was added to Lightroom.

Note: these patterns have ONLY shown on files processed through Topaz. NOT through ON1, DxO, OM Workspace or Lightroom. The reason I know is because I am about to release a systematic test of these raw file processors in the next week or so. It would be great to hear from you prior to publication.


Terry McDonald

Original Photo (downsized to 1500px)

Original Post:

I am getting TWO odd repeated artefact patterns:

(1) One is almost like small chevrons in smooth blue sky areas at just above the pixel level, producing repeated diagonal lines across the sky;
(2) The second pattern is a much larger non-repeating artefact of weak vertical and horizontal bars, almost like a window frame with mottling inside. These occur in a different part of the same plain blue sky, in the same photo.

I have put the ORF file through RawDenoise (Normal) + Sharpen (Standard) actions several times. Both patterns appear in each iteration, but the ’window frame’ bars appear differently each time.

Interestingly, neither pattern is visible in the ’Original’ view of the Topaz-created DNG in Lightroom. They only show when masks and processing are applied (to deepen the blue of the sky). These same masks are also applied to the original ORF in Lightroom and DO NOT show any artefact patterns in the sky.

I wish I could include screen shots of what I am seeing, because the window frame + mottling is visible without zooming. The ’chevrons’ appear at 200% and the overall diagonal pattern they create is visible at 100%

Steps to reproduce issue:

  1. Export ’Original’ from Lightroom (Cloud-based) to a dedicated folder.
    2.Open ORF in Topaz Photo AI
  2. Raw Demoise (Normal) and Sharpening (Standard) are applied.
  3. Export to same folder as DNG.
  4. Add to Lightroom (Cloud-based).
  5. Apply ’Light’, ’Colour’, and ’Masks’ processing to the DNG (but not ’Detail’)


That would be different then the grid issue yes. I have DM-ed you how to send me the original file, for us to troubleshoot together and open a support ticket.

I opened NEF image 20240920_Z90_6359. Topaz does its initial raw denoise, and noticeable checkerboard squares are apparent.

Original before:

Immediately after opening in Topaz:

I’m using a MacBook Pro M3 Max 48GB memory with a 27" Apple Studio Display. I’ve seen this checkerboard effect on other pictures when they are playing on Apple TV.

Thank you.

Ted Hleba

Topaz Photo AI [v3.3.3] on [Mac]

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@theodore.hleba, I merged your post with this thread, where we keep track of users with this issue.

@supratic Have a look here for your issue.

“Pin holes” are, in fact, dead pixels in the sensor, as demonstrated in a video I sent you. Still investigating the other unwanted pattern. It’s there in the original ORF file


Sorry — but you are wrong on this one. l’m in the midst of testing Lightroom Enhanced Noise Reduction, DxO Pro Raw, ON1 No Noise, OM Workspace, and Topaz Photo AI and ONLY Topaz shows these artefacts.

I would understand your assessment if they showed in the other treatments, but they do not. Only in Topaz.


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What I am referring to as being in the original file are the dead pixels. I have it in my video while in Lightroom Classic, so it’s not only in Photo AI. For the other issues, we will investigate why it’s happening. The screenshot is from the video in Lightroom Classic with the ORF file only opened.

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Adding you to this thread, this is where we will contact people when the issue is fixed.