If upclaling is 115% or 185%, which model is used, 100% or 200%?

If upclaling is 115% or 185%, which model is used, 100% or 200%?

If it’s 150%, will it be 200% and then scaled to 150%?

I also want to know the scaling algorithm.

If you are trying to upscale by 115% or 185, set to Custom and enter the exact value in the scale box below.

As I understand it, the model / data used is based on resolution not scale.

Here is the breakdown:

100-120% = 1x AI model (100%)
121-239% = 2x AI model (200%)
240% and higher = 4x AI model (400%)

In between sizes are scaled up or down afterwards using conventional Lanczos scaling.

Interestingly, in older versions of VEAI, cropping (if selected within VEAI) was done before upscaling, while in recent versions it is done after. The result is that with video cropped within VEAI, now all the pixels (even those outside of the crop area) are AI upscaled/enhanced before being cropped off. This is less efficient and takes more time.