we not release anything, anymore, fed up
You think it’s the right forum to post it on?
Huh ? Would you be more precise ?
the HDR function is in Alpha stage, this type of posts needs to be in the Beta forum (under the appropriate thread in the Beta forum), not in the “Release” support forum.
Well … If it is the only problem I’ll move it
(To my there’s more important things to deal with )
What else ?
I don’t see a problem with it being posted here. Most people feel like Alpha testers anyway… (And if I remember right, everyone has access to it now.)
This Python script is my kind of solution. I care exactly nothing for HDR though. So the most I will do is applaud the effort. Otherwise I would say put it up on github.
Does anyone know what is “Studio” in Color Range parameter ?
I was thinking Studio = Limited, but did not find exact match in documentation
I think it’s called full.
From what I got since now is Color range
Studio = Limited = 16-235
Full = Full = 0-255
in YUV color format
All metas concerning Hyperion’s colors has been GUIed
Added a “gadget” color range to see what is the best output