H264 encoding produces frames with timing errors

Hi. When encoding longer videos (over 5 minutes) I discovered, that PTS (or some other timing marks) in H264 MP4 file encoded on nVidia 4070 are somehow ( up to one second) offset from exact frame time. This has some weird consequences - even when total amount of frames in file is correct, when playing file as frame-to-frame comparison with original in editing software (Edius) show “missing” or “black” frames. Just re-muxing in ffmpeg (-c:a copy -c:v copy) fixes this. It is probably nVIdia driver problem (currently 4070 Ti Super 560.94) , just to let anyone know. Karel Holubicka

Can you send the logs from these processes to the support at help@topazlabs.com so we can investigate further and see what is going on?

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To gather logs, please select Help > Logging > Get Logs for Support and attach the zip file to your reply.

Hi. Im just sending to help@topazlabs.com full package with source file, results and comparison to clearly see the problem. BTW I feel very sad, that ffmpeg supplied with Topaz has almost all functions gone (uncompiled), but I cannot use generic ffmpeg for commands, as it does not know tvai_up filter. Can you do something about it? Or do i have to recompile ffmpeg myself? After I paid for VideoAI hoping I can work with ffmpeg as i am used to for years? Thanks, Karel

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It seems to be the fragmentation issue. When I add moov flags “frag_keyframe+empty_moov+delay_moov”, output has timing problems when opened in the editing software. Seems like fragmented files have miscalculated timings of packets, causing software look for wrong frame at given time point.