Yes, I understand that DeNoise-Studio == (Func-1 + Func-2 + Func-3 (Reduce-Noise) + Func-…).
I was just interested in using Func-3 prior to Func-[1-2] being released. Just like HSL can be useful even without it’s team-member Precision-Contrast. And, in fact, you can do just that (use RN now) if you pay for it (twice).
You can do it now for free (for 30 days anyway) if you try Pro - you never know, you might like it so much you think it’s worth paying for twice! Anyway, you’ve at least established they ain’t going to give you it free. Worth a try though.
For those who already own DeNoise, using the Adjustment Reduce Noise is much faster and simpler than opening the plug-in for minor noise while still having the more robust actions of DeNoise available should they be needed. As far as Reduce Noise being obsolete, for those who do not own DeNoise, it may be all they ever need at the lesser price of $30 rather than the $80 regular price of the more robust plugin.
(sigh) They wouldn’t be giving it to me free…by your own supposition I’ve already paid for it…via the DeNoise plug-in…just like I got the Pro adjustments you mentioned…by virtue of owning the Clarity plug-in. So, this whole discussion is really about “when” not “if”. It just so happens that part of the in-Studio (noise removal) functionality in question is available now and the other parts are coming later. If the current (RN) functionality weren’t useful on it’s own they would not be selling it to new users.
We can’t do everything all at once, though – we’re just not big enough, and the development will take time. We already have 3 products lined up for an update in the coming weeks and months.
Correct. We were bound to run into a situation where Customer 1 has Product A, Customer 2 has Product B, Product A gets updated, therefore Customer 1 is super happy. But, Customer 2 is wondering why they didn’t receive their free update. It gets a bit more complicated with Adjustments that seem to be somewhat similar, but we’re working as quickly as possible to make sure everything is ready for launch, when it’s time.