We will not be doing this, for a number of reasons. Many of the Adjustments included in Studio are missing critical features, which will be a huge problem for anyone that expects the same feature set from an upgrade we provide. Further, we’d have to split up the update into different release periods, severely complicating our intended upgrade process for our 15+ products. Also, we’re a small team of just 11 (gained +1 this week!), so our bandwidth is quite limited. Our release schedule is currently set so that we may complete the majority of our goals for 2017. DeNoise is not on that list. We have a couple more updates slated for the more immediate term, with another update on its heels, as well as new adjustment types. We don’t want to release anything prematurely, even if it requires us asking our customers to patiently wait for their free update. It’s easy to get FOMO when you see there’s something you don’t have paid access to, but Studio is designed in such a way that any product you currently own (DeNoise is a great example) is going to be much more powerful and complete than any single Adjustment type in Studio. The sole exception to this is Impression, so far, due to its unique processing style. We couldn’t really break that one down much, but we’re exploring ways to improve this transition process, so it makes more sense to everyone.
We did our best to reduce the confusion that poor naming conventions can create (DeNoise → Reduce Noise, B&W Effects → Black and White). These Adjustments are components, and we aren’t going to pretend that the components that aren’t ready, are ready, which means we’re not extending free updates just yet, for some products. Sure, waiting is a bummer, but I’d like to provide a bit of context to our current update schedule compared to where it was a year ago. In the last 12 months, Studio (and other plugins) have received a total of >45 updates. In the preceding 12 months, we managed to release a total of ~20 updates. The updates I’m counting include major updates (Texture Effects 1 → Texture Effects 2, Glow 1 → Glow 2), as well as minor/maintenance updates to fix bugs that were reported to us.
We’ll continue to refine our processes, make cool stuff, and keep our free update promise. One of the compromises with the free update promise is that you have to take the update in the form we provide it. We believe this is fair, as long as we refrain from reducing the functionality of the updated version. From what we can tell, none of our competitors are offering free updates, nor have they ever. We’re very proud of this, but we want to make sure the update is worth integrating into your workflow, before we provide it. New and existing users alike should want to use our tools. We aren’t going to give you a free update because we “have to”, and we’re not going to give you a free update that we’re not proud enough to sell on the market. It’s a balancing act, for sure, and we’re doing our best. If we’re falling short somewhere, point it out, and we’ll work on it.