Gigapixel v7.3.0

Hi yall!

We are proud to announce an important release for Gigapixel that continues to make improvements for print, color accuracy, and overall user satisfaction.

A big drum roll please… :drum:

This release comes packed with:

  • Seed Regeneration for the new Recovery AI model to generate better detail in your results

  • Updated Resize Mode user interface. Scale, width, and height all in one space instead of three tabs.

  • New Custom ICC profiles in Export. You can now add your own and review them in the Profiles Directory.

  • New Command Line Interface for Gigapixel. Available for Pro users.

  • Better Crop tool rotation to snap at 15 degree increments. You can also now decrease processing time using Recovery after image has been cropped.

  • New Light Mode available in Preferences

  • Gigapixel Pro with built-in seat management, offline-authorization, and more

:tv: Check out this full feature breakdown video for more details on this release!

We know your feedback has continued to drive what we do and we appreciate your voice here in our forum pages. Please keep on sharing your benchmarks, your results, and ideas!

Released July 17, 2024
Mac: Download
Windows: Download

Introducing Gigapixel Pro Licenses

This release ties to a huge change for our users by introducing Gigapixel Pro licenses! Coming July 18th, you can bring Gigapixel to your business or team with a more exclusive license program, unique features, and catered 1-1 support. If you have questions, be sure to email us at

:star2: Check out more about the Gigapixel PRO license here :star2:


Seed Regeneration

Now you have the ability to review generative “seeds” from upscaling through our Recovery AI model.

To access the seed regeneration, run Recovery first to process. Then after the image has completed processing, press the Regenerate button again. Please note that once you re-generate, you will not be able to access the previous output result.

Updated Resize Mode

A part of our agenda to improve your print and overall upscaling workflow, we’ve adjusted resize mode to show width and height along with the scale.

You can now adjust scale and see the dimensions change automatically as well as be able to adjust the individual height and width.

Adding your own Custom ICC Profile

We’ve increased user features for your Custom ICC Profile in the Exports Panel. Not only can you change the color space of your exported file but you can also import your own ICC profiles letting them be a part of your default choices in the drop down menu.

You can also open a specific ICC Profile Directory to add or remove those profiles at any time.

Command Line Interface

We’ve heard your requests for CLI to Gigapixel for quite some time and finally have the ability to implement this special feature into the application. We are thrilled to bring this feature to our Gigapixel PRO license users to really scale and produce better, faster results for their team projects.

:clipboard: Find more CLI notes on our Support Docs here

Crop Tool Updates

We’ve taking bigger strides to update the Crop tool for better upscaling and more precise sizing and dimensions.

When using the Recovery AI Model, you can now crop an image and process the cropped version instead of the whole image minimizing the processing time significantly. Please note that if you crop the image again, you’ll need to re-process the image.

The crop rotation also now can be snapped to 15 degree increments by holding shift button.

Light Mode

Brighter settings are here! We hope that by bringing in Light mode it may help reduce eye strain and improve readability in different lighting conditions, such as bright environments or prolonged use at night. Not to mention we know that colors can look differently against a dark or light backdrop and this feature should help ease this process more.

Change this mode anytime using the Preferences panel located in the Gigapixel main menu.

Setting up the System Color Scheme will default the application’s mode to replicate what your computer preferences show.

Thank you again for supporting us and making Gigapixel gigagreat!

Esther Huynh
Product Specialist
Topaz Labs


  • Pro: Added CLI
  • Pro: Added ability to have offline authentication
  • Updated scale selection UI
  • Recovery model now processes only cropped area
  • Improved estimated time for stable diffusion models
  • Crop rotation can be snapped by 15 degress (hold shift)
  • Dimensions after cropping should match export dimensions
  • Crop is displayed before using recovery model
  • Aspect ratio now defaults to unlocked
  • Added ability to export with custom ICC profiles
  • Added light mode theme
  • Added ability to regenerate recovery results with new random seed
  • Added tooltips to various options in right panel
  • Fixed recovery model showing as original after export
  • Fixed login dialog not showing warnings with links
  • Fixed recovery preview boxes not appearing when switching modes
  • Fixed file export saying 0B

Known Issues

  • Regenerating recovery results too many times may cause other model results to be discarded, as older regenerations are not yet removed from the cache
  • Cropping after processing recovery requires recovery results be reprocessed
  • Pixel shift occurs on cropped recovery results
  • Certain user ICC profiles have color shifting

So… about this Pro version that is now introduced.

Call me lacking in the reading comprehension or general intelligence department (or just old and slow :laughing:) but I feel I need some help understanding the nuances/differences.

Reading the linked webpage - It seems like the differences between Gigapixel and Gigapixel Pro (don’t even want to get into the next “tiers”) are a huge increase in price and the right to have an annual revenue selling my work that exceeds $1 million. (Heck - I have no sale whatsoever so I don’t even get back the money I invest in updating my software every year… how’s that for a happy,tinkering amateur? :crazy_face:)

Does this mean that the “core” functionality (the basic idea with Gigapixel AI) & the models (and thereby the end result) will stay the same between normal & pro versions or am I (and probably a few with me)gonna be ending up with an equivalent of Photoshop Elements while the people paying up those $499 will eventually turn into full Photoshop users? (for lack of a better comparison).

The reason I’m asking is because then I read the OP again, and find:

This release ties to a huge change for our users by introducing Gigapixel Pro licenses! Coming July 18th, you can bring Gigapixel to your business or team with a more exclusive license program, unique features, and catered 1-1 support. If you have questions, be sure to email us at

Unique features (I made that one bold in my quote) - that doesn’t necessarily cover what we know as of today reading the rest of it…

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Currently, these versions do not differ in any way except licensing. But what they have done now is a terrible rip-off. You write that in the pro version you have CLI and API, as this illustration shows

but wait! the pro version costs $500, it’s a terrible rip-off! but wait!! , to actually have CLI you have to buy the TEAM version for 5 stations which costs $1999! :joy:

Therefore, an ordinary user has no chance to use any functionalities because the regular pro version does not change anything for an ordinary user


I would find a Pro version of TPAI interesting, with models designed for GPUs with 16GB+ vram, where it is clearly communicated that it is aimed at professionals who also have the right hardware.


Is there really no other way of gaining access to either the cli or api unless we purchase a team pro license?


Hello Connor - please send an email to

Hello lukasz - commercial usage rights and licensing protections are very important for many of our customers, as well as seat management, Pro support, and offline authorization for secure environments.

Which feature from the Pro version were you hoping to have access to? Is it the CLI?

Hello Gosa,

No worries - you should still have access to all the Gigapixel features you know and love on the individual license. Unless you’re managing a large team, activating licenses offline, or using Gigapixel for commercial purposes in a large organization - you should be fine with the individual license.

We are looking at adding more pro-specific features in the future, such as upscaling beyond 1B pixels. BOTH versions of Gigapixel will still be getting plenty of new features, and we have some exciting things in store.

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I understand that these functions may be desired by larger companies, but a single user is currently unable to use the functions. To be honest, I have been waiting for CLI support for a year and now it turns out that it will not be available. for small single users :confused:

Edit: Yes I was interested in access via CLI or API

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Hey Lukasz, we’d be happy to learn more about your use case and see if we can help you. Please reach out to and we can take it from there. Cheers.

done :+1:


Thanks for replying!

Follow up question:

Can I assume that when/if Gigapixel begin to “fork out” a bit more into a regular & pro version with the latter having even more “pro-specific features” there will also be a split of the release threads into two?

Continuing the analogy with Adobe - Me I’m usually happy with what Photoshop Elements deliver and have settled for (and am quite content with) knowing that it’s big brother does so much more, so I just ignore it and really don’t need to read about the functions, different issues or concerns that users of the full version have.

The same would apply here… If the regular Gigapixel user don’t even have access to CLI or upscaling beyond 1B pixels I’m thinking nothing could interest him/her less than reading longer segments of a thread discussing those functions. (Same way I never follow the VAI threads since I don’t own it)

But maybe that’s just me… :innocent:

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I just received an email alerting me to a new “Gigapixel Pro”. It said that it has higher-end features for commercial users.

Where can I access that new Pro version vs the regular grade GAI version that’s for more casual users to try it out? Is it Pro grade features or only administrative differences like licensing for X number of seats?

The email implied two different tiers of products for different classes of users. It made me curious.


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I am afraid of the new license, I bought a license upgrade for Gigapixel AI during last month introduction and I’m sure there was no commercial limitation, and I even checked a few days back and there was no mention of a commercial license, exactly like currently there is no commercial limitation for Photo AI. I don’t accept the new license, but I also paid for one year of product updates. This is very disappointing.


I agree, I’ve been a Gigapixel user since Topaz’s early days and recently upgraded my license. However, I was unaware of any commercial limitations during all these years, including now. As a small freelancer, I personally wouldn’t exceed the $1 million revenue threshold. But my understanding is that if any of my clients surpass this limit and use/distributing images I created for them, I need a commercial license.
Suddenly, I’m faced with the prospect of paying five times what I’ve already paid for essentially the same product functionality. This unexpected change in terms is concerning and wrong.
Moreover, I feel that Topaz has effectively downgraded my status from a valued, regular customer to someone they view as less important - merely a “personal use” client. This shift in perception is disappointing, especially given my long-standing loyalty to their products.


Hi @esther.huynh -

Per one of the “Wishlist” items I posted in the past week re: GAI … I was going to attach this to that beta thread, but David has helpfully closed it. So, here you go for all to see!

It provides a lot of the functionality I’d suggested/mentioned in my recent post re: processing for printing but saves Topaz the “headache” of actually developing it themselves. I’m a Ps user, so the noted functionality is terrific for me.

FYI if you haven’t seen it already. It also offers some of the pre-printing prep enhancements/features offered in PAI. And, it’s Free!!!

Tony K has a great rep and his Ps plugins that I use are very useful for post-processing my photos. This is a short intro video on the new plugin by Tony’s development collaborator:


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I just renewed my Gigapixel AI license and I’m thrilled! :slight_smile:

However, this beta tester account is linked to a different email address than the one I used for the purchase. I’d like to change the email address associated with this profile to my purchase email address. If this is not possible, could you add “Gigapixel owner” badge to my beta tester account?

Looking forward to new betas! :))

Thank you very much.

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Bug around in your profile to see what options are offered.

I would like to get my “Beta Tester” label back but it’s not offered…

Screenshot 2024-07-20 at 5.08.32 PM

Screenshot 2024-07-20 at 5.07.20 PM

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I received an email notification to log in with that other account to claim a badge. However, if I would lose my “Beta Tester” label, it’s probably not worth bothering with. :slight_smile:


The lack of a quick export button is killing my fingers with all the extra clicking!


PLEASE get this in soon!