Gigapixel v5.5.2

Did you read the bit where I said it black-screened using CPU?

What’s your ram stick and bus speed? Also what’s your CPU and motherboard?


Hmmm, my 7820X did also turn off with gigapixel. I did reduce OC then.

I also reduced its power draw to 130 watts.

Then it was running fine.

So, could also be the processor.

BSOD usually OC issues, related to CPU , mobo and RAM. Sometimes, mobo cannot handle high bus speed ram that will cause BSOD. Or CPU was OCed too high that caused thermal throttling. Monitor your CPU using Core temp. If needed, reapply the thermal paste. Reset the RAM to stock, X.M.P disabled and see if it helps.


Ok! A report on 5.5.2 on Mojave, iMac Pro 128gb RAM.

Good news and bad news. The bad news first: When I dropped an image in to preview, I got the ‘Downloading Optimized Models’ 2% box, from which it never recovers.

The good news: (And I never did try this in 5.5.1 so I don’t know if it would have mattered) If I first go into Preferences right after launch, and select the [Disable Model Downloading], it runs! It even performs the Low Resolution setting, which is a new model (?) and which produces very exciting results!

Obviously, things are not working perfectly, and model downloading still appears to be a showstopper on Mojave. But I am glad it runs, and it’s producing useful results! I’m also glad I still have v4.5.0 and 5.4.5 saved. :slight_smile:

So I guess my question is, what am I losing/ risking / missing, by turning off model downloading, since all the settings do at least seem to run?

The only thing that you will be missing is the models optimized for your computer, so there may be a small increase in processing time using the general model.

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Sorry for the late response…and I will raise a support request if I can’t figure this out with the community’s help soon.

I meant the models from within the application.

I am downloading 5.5.0 now to see what the last version was that worked without crashing at the end…then 5.5.1 if 5.5.0 works.

Not sure what happened, but after re-installing 5.5.0 and testing it with success, then 5.5.1, also with success, I just tried 5.5.2 again, and wouldn’t you know it, it also worked…so I don’t know why it didn’t work 10 days ago…there was a macOS update since then, and maybe that fixed something, but I can only speculate, at this point.

Great to know this is here at least as a workaround! Still watching and hoping for a version where this step doesn’t seize up the app, but this is progress.

Now that 5.5.2 seems to be working more reliably again on my M1 MBA, I downloaded all the models in that 14.1GB package that a link was provided to.

Can all models also be downloaded separately for all of the other AI apps, and if so, where?

Using Gigapixel 5.5.2 (W10) in plugin mode (Photoshop 22.0.0), I have a couple of weird issues that appeared in the recent updates:

  1. Even though I have the AI Processor set to the graphics card (GeForce RTX 3080), the processing is done by the CPU. The GPU shows some brief activity during the preview generation, but that’s it.
  2. The plugin appears to remember the settings between the times it is running. They display correctly on screen but when processed, the image returned to PS has different dimensions then stated. I usually go for a fixed image height in pixels and the scaling is correct the first time, but then it goes to some different setting.
  3. This is purely cosmetic, but it would be great if the plugin window could remember the position and size from the previous run (as a plugin), and appear in the same place - not necessaring right in the centre of the screen.

this software still amazes me. take a look, restoration from a nintendo gamecube game video, frames that i am enhacing. tell me all the detail you see improved/restored:

this is with gigapixel AI 5.4.5 because 5.5.2 keeps making my graphics card/driver to crash when put under stress. 5.4.5 does not give me that issue.


It seems that the output from 5.4.5 is superior and what people prefer to versions after that. Maybe it would be wiser for Topaz to go back to what people want, which is quality over speed. That goes for VEAI as well, as it seems the larger model files have been abandoned in favor of speed. I would much rather wait two to three times as long if it’s going to significantly improve output quality.


Define quality.

People often come up with criticism even though they use the wrong models for the wrong images.

You are a beta tester, you can upload images.

Write a post and show what needs to be improved.

When I do beta testing, it takes me ten hours to find out where the advantages and disadvantages of a model are in relation to different images.

Hey, please add an automatic text recognition to Additional Settings, which replaces the fuzzy text with sharp ones. At the moment, what happens to the text sometimes looks strange.


What do you mean? Can you post a screenshot?

Hey, I just wanted to say, that it would be nice to have a function that can be switched on and off in the software, so that writing on an image is recognized and made more beautiful (like the OCR function in PDF programs). If you are currently upscaling pictures, the font no longer looks so nice sharp and has a red veil around it. An OCR function that recognizes the text and replaces it with real new, sharp computer text would be very nice. Is it understandable now what I mean? :smiley:

Instead of making the program more complex just add the test with any photo editor after upscaling.

I have since overcome the problem I had. It was more out of impatience than anything else. I have purchased Gigapixel and it is producing some great results.
