Gigapixel AI Version

I just upgraded to Gigapixel AI Version It downloaded but will not open.

Hi @LloydG ,

Thanks for reaching out about this!

It sounds like you are experiencing a known conflict in Gigapixel v7 that has impacted some Windows users when attempting to update.

To resolve this, please follow these specific steps to remove your registry, delete your Gigapixel folders, and reinstall Gigapixel:

  1. Delete the Topaz Gigapixel AI folders in the paths below by right-clicking the folder and selecting “delete.”

***Windows Add or Remove Programs will not work since previous versions of Gigapixel did not include an uninstaller.

  • C:\Program Files\Topaz Labs LLC\Gigapixel
  • C:\ProgramData\Topaz Labs LLC\Gigapixel

***Windows intentionally hides the ProgramData folder on your machine. Please paste the paths into the File Explorer.

  1. Open “Registry Editor” from your Start menu and delete the Topaz Gigapixel AI registry entry in the path below by right-clicking the folder and clicking “Delete.”
  • Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Topaz Labs LLC\Topaz Gigapixel AI

Video instructions for steps 1 and 2 can be found here.

  1. Restart your machine and download a fresh installer for Gigapixel from our Topaz Labs Download Page.

  2. Once downloaded, open Gigapixel as a standalone and ensure it functions correctly.

Let me know if this helps.

If you run into any trouble, please reach us at and we can help get the application launching properly again.

I was able to get the Gigapixel AI running as I followed your previous instructions. I used it as a stand alone program. I will try to incorporate it into Photoshop 2024. Thank you.

– Lloyd Goldstein

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