Gigapixel AI - OSX- massiveley Different results by selecting GPU or CPU rendering

Hi Topaz Experts,

rendedring via the two different options leads to drastically different results.
CPU version with GP: ultra clean, almost too noise free, but sharp and detailed.
GPU, version with GP- see for Yourself in the examples provided.
Also the original file is included.
Imac 27" 2015, 32GB RAM, OSX 10.14.

What is the culprit? And what was the reason from the developers behind this?

DL Package (remove gap)

and for quick views:

here is a DL link to the hi-res data.
The kit contains the original file, plus the ones interpolated by Topaz GP 6.3.3 to a whopping 230MP=18000 px on the wide side.

We have not seen this for a while.
What is your cpu model and gpu model?

Hi Yuan,

thank for the fast reply really appreciated!
imac core i7 4790K Haswell 4Ghz
Bildschirmfoto 2023-02-27 um 19.16.43