Gigapixel AI Failes to open from Photoshop

When launching Gigapixel AI from Photoshop I get the message “Cannot open Gigapixel AI - Shared Memory Parms”.

Steps to reproduce issue:

  1. With a TIFF image open in Photoshop
  2. Click on Automate > Gigapixel AI
  3. Dialog opens with error message

This is happening with a single layer image that measures 4680 x 6840 pixels. It happens with more than one image file of this size. Closing Photoshop and restarting it seems to clear the issue for a while. AMD Ryzen Threadripper 3960X, 128 GB RAM, nVidia GeForce RTX 3080 Ti and AMD Radeon Pro WX 2100.

Topaz Photo AI [v7.3.0.5b] on [Windows 11 Pro]

Hi Daniel,

When the error occurs, can you open Windows Powershell and run the following?

Get-Process | Sort-Object -Descending WorkingSet | Select-Object -First 10 -Property Name, ID, WorkingSet

Then, please share the output you are seeing.

If you prefer, please shoot me an email at so we can take a closer look at why this is happening on your machine.

Hi there, I got the error attempting to poen Gigapixel 7.4 from PS. Here are my results:

Name Id WorkingSet

chrome 19536 652087296
soffice.bin 18412 651448320
chrome 13232 616169472
Dropbox 25080 493178880
Creative Cloud UI Helper 9984 480546816
chrome 1844 449458176
MsMpEng 4724 366940160
chrome 30656 359849984
CoreSync 23872 354361344
svchost 1976 350990336

Here’s a cleaner set:

Name Id WorkingSet

chrome /19536 / 652087296
soffice.bin /18412 /651448320
chrome / 13232 /616169472
Dropbox /25080 /493178880
Creative Cloud UI Helper /9984 /480546816
chrome / 1844 /449458176
MsMpEng /4724 /366940160
chrome /30656 /359849984
CoreSync /23872 /354361344
svchost / 1976 /350990336

Apologies for the delay in response!

Thanks for sharing that info.

Please reach out to use at and we can work toward a solution.

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