Geometric waffle pattern evident in Topaz Photo AI image after processing

Geometric pattern evident in Topaz Photo AI image after processing

Steps to reproduce the issue:
Sony A7rV

  1. Dark image
  2. Denoise
  3. PS up contrast and lower exposure

Not using PS and only Upscaling avoids the issue, but leaves the noise.

Topaz Photo AI [v3.2.0] on [Windows 11]

Would you mind sending in some more information to get a better understanding of the problem you are having with this particular type of image? Please send the following information:

  1. The original image file.
  2. The processed image.
  3. A screenshot or description of the settings panel so I can see what adjustments were turned on.

You can securely submit your image(s) to my Dropbox using the link below.

Dropbox File Request

Please be sure to send me a note to let me know you sent something.

I have sent the RAW file - HHP04165.ARW

The file after importing to Photoshop and opening Topaz Photo AI, but with no Enhancements - HHP04165 PS -TopazAI before enhancements denoise.jpg

The file after importing to Photoshop and opening Topaz Photo AI, with Denoise Enhancements and settings - HHP04165 PS -TopazAI after denoise.jpg

After opening the file to Photoshop with Denoise, it is processed in Camera RAW.
HHP04165 PS Camera RAW withTopazAI with enhancements denoise.jpg

And the PSD of the Camera RAW edits.

Best regards,

Thanks for sending in those files.

I’d like to get some more information about the machine you are using to help troubleshoot this problem.

Please send me your system profile information so I can check if your computer hardware is up to date.

You can securely submit your files(s) to my Dropbox using the link in our previous posts.

Thanks for following up on this.

I have uploaded DxDiag.txt to your Dropbox location.

Best regards,

Thanks for sending in that information.

I want to see if updating your GPU driver will resolve the problem, as there is a more up-to-date driver that has been released.

Please use the following link to update your driver: NVIDIA | GeForce RTX 4070 | Driver Update

After the update, let me know if you are still experiencing the problem.


I upgraded the driver and saw the same pattern.

I will upload a current dxdiag file and a screenshot of the image.

Best regards,