FEEDBACK REQUESTED: Cropping in Gigapixel AI

not needed - only my personal opinion

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My work flow is to use gigapixel first and enlarge to a size where the objects you desire are close to what this finished size desired. I can crop or do a perspective crop to get a finished product I am looking for! Why eliminate a perspective crop, not everything is shot straight on center!

I think that cropping (and borders!!!) are an excellent upgrade. For instance, if I’m working on a group of images that need to be 48X32, a good cropping tool inside Gigapixel would let me do that.

I’m not sure if this has been requested before, but an option to crop the image in Gigapixel AI would be a welcome addition. I have used another image resizing application and found it to be incredibly useful. Many times, I just want to enlarge a specific section of an image and this would save unnecessary processing power to render the entire image. This would save the extra step of using another photo editor to crop the image first and then resize. Thanks!