Feedback | Installation Process

I just upgraded to the latest photo AI and was expecting that the archaic update processed was improved. But it hasn’t changed. What a nightmare. It takes at least an hour to upgrade. Every other software upgrade takes a few minutes. And what’s worse it allows me to have multiple versions of the software running at the same time so who knows what’s upgraded what’s running as an old version and what’s just some sort of anomaly. Will you guys get yourselves organised. Having a good technical platform is only one part of the story, being able to provide a reliable service model is as important, if not more. Come on sort yourselves out!!

Are you fucking serious this is what photo AI gives me.

I have replied to your email sent at Support! Also send me a screenshot of the enhancements you use and your original file and we can send back steps to get better results.

I can only guess that the long installation process happened because of a low online connection. Download all the files needed takes a serious amount of time even with a fast connection!

You guys need to do better. Surely you are not the only software developers that have large files.Why does it take so much longer with Topaz AI than with any other software I use.


I just hit the apply recommendations. No worries, I worked out how to get a better result. but the recommendations were terrible. Upscale, denoise and sharpen. Geez, I can get the same result from standard low cost photo editing software. Denoise and sharpen, in this example are very disappointing. Infranview honestly will give me the same result.

Test going to Edit > Preferences > Auto-Pilot, turning it on, then Save and reimport the file. This will analyze the file and apply what it thinks you need. That is the Auto-Pilot part. When you can send me the original, I can test, I suspect Auto-Pilot will apply Recover Faces.

Suggestions are that, just suggestions :slight_smile: - There is a texture on this file, that Denoise can help remove. It’s a small file, upscale will make it bigger for print or online display.

For an update, it’s very quick, when no blockers. We are waiting on more details from Peter to know why it’s not for him.

Yes, I know its a small file and suggestions are only suggestions, but in this case suggestions were poor. And if it was simply applying denoise or sharpen,then the de noise or shapen results were just as good (or bad ) as I could get from irfan view. I thought it would be better.


Photo AI’s Models are trained for digital pictures, and while they can help restore that older scanned picture you are working with, the texture in the file is not noise. Photo AI suggests what it can to help the file. It can do wonders on some files. When you can send the original we can test!