## Feature Requests for Gigapixel AI

Feature Requests for Gigapixel AI

This document outlines feature requests for Gigapixel AI, aimed at improving its functionality and user experience.

1. Resize to Longest Side

  • Description: Implement an option to resize images based on their longest side while preserving aspect ratio.

  • Motivation: This streamlines the upscaling workflow and provides greater control over output image dimensions, enabling easier megapixel estimation. This feature is already present in Photo AI and would be beneficial in Gigapixel AI, which is primarily focused on upscaling.

2. Grain Control

  • Description: Introduce a feature to manage grain levels during upscaling.

  • Motivation: This allows fine-tuning detail levels for a more natural or artistic aesthetic, particularly valuable when upscaling older or low-resolution images. Similar features exist in Sharpen AI, Topaz Video Enhance AI, and various competitor software.

3. Second Pass Upscaling and Detail Recovery

  • Description: Implement a two-part enhancement:

    • Second Pass Upscaling: An option for a second upscaling pass dedicated to recovering fine details, further enhancing sharpness and fidelity in complex textures and patterns.

    • Recover Original Details: An option to blend the upscaled output with the original image, minimizing artifacts and simplifying the process of achieving high-quality results.

4. Adobe After Effects Integration

  • Description: Develop a dedicated plugin or wrapper for seamless integration with Adobe After Effects.

  • Motivation: Allows direct incorporation of Gigapixel AI’s upscaling capabilities into video editing workflows, unlocking new creative possibilities. The existence of previous (albeit limited) attempts at similar integrations suggests its feasibility.

5. Enhanced Batch Processing

  • Description: Improve batch processing by allowing users to define the maximum number of simultaneous processes.

  • Motivation: Significantly reduces processing time for large image batches.

6. Updated Models and 1x Downscaling

  • Description:

    • High-Compression Model: Introduce a new or updated AI model specifically trained for upscaling highly compressed images to address compression artifacts effectively.

    • Face Enhancement Models: Update the existing face enhancement models for improved accuracy and performance.

    • 1x Downscaling Fix: Address the issue with the 1x downscale option producing pixelated results. Consider reverting to previous 1x models or ensure the 2x to 1x downscaling process functions correctly.


These enhancements would significantly improve Gigapixel AI’s usability, efficiency, and overall user experience. Thank you for your time and consideration of these requests.

Wow these are wonderful feature requests!

Specifically, I find both the Batch Processing and Second pass Upscaling features very interesting.

I’ll be sure to let our development team know for future consideration with Gigapixel.

I have edited the initial post.


Would also be nice to be able to add our own Print on demand process company option inside Giga.
Also adding Paint Shop Pro as an image editing program would be nice…
And a count down on finishing in batch mode would be nice…

Also the remove object tool would be really nice in Giga…


These are great ideas Milan, thanks for the post!

Dear Topaz Labs team, what you think about Flux text to image AI? Quality is so dope! Maybe you can add it to topaz products somehow? I think this AI models will be future of photo restoration

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How about a Histogram function in Gigapixel like we have in Photoshop or an automatic option to make all levels of the RGB printing equal so when we do print from Giga we will know that the prints will come out as we upload them from RGB…Kinda like what you see on your monitor will be what prints out…?

ok just opened the Beta version of Gigaprint and see that the automatic levels is already there awesome work folks…


We also need to be able to make a selection inside of Gigapixel that we can use The redifine model on to add extra detail in certain parts of our pictures…Like making a selection inside of Photoshop and having Giga recognize that selection to use redifine on…


hello anyone notice this thread anymore…?

Gigapixel 8.02 running on a Mac mini with an M4Pro is using only a tiny fraction of the CPU/GPU resources available. Using a generative model on a single raw iPhone image is running above 48 hours to process. I understand that you are selling cloud processing but if local processing speed can’t be improved on you should remove that option and make generative models cloud only.

I’m sure this has already been suggested, but it would be really nice to have the ability to either select or exclude areas of an image when using the Recovery and Redefine modes. For example, I’d like to use the Redefine function for an image of myself but I don’t want the AI to alter my face in any way.

On the other side of the coin, I’d like to be able to use the recovery function for a small area of a photograph instead of the whole image. Similar to how the preview square works.

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