Fastest process so far is 0.2 fps!

How can I speed it up?

Topaz Video AI v3.2.1
System Information
OS: Windows v11.2009
CPU: 12th Gen Intel(R) Core™ i9-12900 31.731 GB
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 7.8438 GB
Processing Settings: device: -1 vram: 0.85 instances: 0
Input Resolution: 1920x1080
Benchmark Results
Artemis 1X: - fps 2X: - fps 4X: - fps
Proteus 1X: - fps 2X: - fps 4X: - fps
Gaia 1X: - fps 2X: - fps 4X: - fps
4X Slowmo Apollo: - fps Chronos: - fps Chronos Fast: - fps

Go to preferences and set AI Processor to your GPU, click save and run the benchmark again.

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