Faces do not get same level of lighting and color like other parts of an image after face recovery

Playing with the beta, I’ve seen a version of this issue as a “box,” with horizontal boundaries. Interesting. Good illustration of the box following the orientation of the faces in the photo.

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When editing a picture, once the Face Recovery has done its trick, you’ll see a lightened square on faces when applying a light adjustment, no matter what position you insert it in the chain.

Steps to reproduce issue:

  1. Load a pic
  2. Apply Face Recovery
  3. Apply Light Adjustment

Topaz Photo AI 3.04

[Please describe your issue here. Try to include logs (Help → Logging) and add screenshots if necessary.] I get a light square on faces when I use the three filters together… Please see my uploaded screenshot for an example… This happens all the time now… (the discolored square on the faces)

Steps to reproduce issue:

  1. Step 1
  2. Step 2
  3. Step 3

Topaz Photo AI [v1.x.x] on [Windows/Mac]

lastSessionFiles.txt (23.5 KB)
2024-07-02-14-28-23.tzlog (13.9 MB)
2024-07-02-06-35-56.tzlog (31.3 KB)
Steps to reproduce issue:

  1. Open Image

  2. Face Restore or Light/Color

  3. Shows Box around Face on export

  4. Open Image

  5. Light/Color Balance

  6. Face Restore

  7. Shows Box around face on export

Topaz Photo AI [v3.0.4] on [Windows 11]

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Very poor photo with lots of ‘noise’ from matte finish. Face recovery not bad, considering original but there is a clear line where recovery ends and original image begins, at center of neck. Hair is also unimproved.

Steps to reproduce issue:

  1. Step 1
  2. Step 2
  3. Step 3

Topaz Photo AI [v1.x.x] on [Windows/Mac]

I wanted to follow up to let our users know that we have released Topaz Photo AI v3.1.0, which fixes the issue where Face Recovery was not blending correctly with some of the other enhancement features.

You can download this update from your in-app update option found in the top right corner of the application window or use the following link:

Topaz Photo AI | v3.1.0 | MacOS Installer

Topaz Photo AI | v3.1.0 | Windows Installer

You can check out a full list of changes and fixes that are included in this release at the following link:

Topaz Labs | Community Forums | Topaz Photo AI | Releases | v3.1.0

Please let us know if you have any issues updating to this version or any feedback you may have!

We appreciate your patience and collaboration while the Developers were fixing this issue :slight_smile: