In the latest version of Topaz Photo AI there is a crash on Windows devices with NVIDIA graphics cards. We identified that this is caused by a bug in NVIDIA drivers released in June, July, and August 2023. We reached out to NVIDIA for a fix in their driver.
We are releasing a fix in v2.0.1 this Thursday that does not require updating the NVIDIA driver . In the meanwhile here are three different solutions to prevent this crash:
We have not released a hotfix for this, the fix will be in v2.0.1 on Thursday. We did release a beta version to check the fix but I would recommend either rolling back to v1.5.4 or disabling Face Recovery instead for now.
I don’t know what to tell you, other than I’ve been running Face Recognition using an Nvidia 2070 Super GPU right along without any issues. I’m not sure what the driver bug is that TL has discovered, but it does not impact my system.
I wasn’t looking for a solution for you, just providing more information since the “product specialist” who replied to you seemed to take it as if today’s driver update fixed it. I probably should have replied to them instead of you.
Please open Topaz Photo AI, go to the menu bar on the top and click the Help > Open Log Folder menu option. Attach the logs to your reply so I can check the contents.
2023-09-20-15-34-27.tzlog (357.2 KB) 2023-09-20-15-28-19.tzlog (490.5 KB)
I attached two logs, going through two different batches of images. Both end with the same things in the logs before the crash.
Actually I still do get occasional crashes. I did about 10,000 images and got 3 or 4 crashes. But before it was a crash after 2-6 images, so it isn’t so bad. I guess the biggest issue is the app really needs a way to continue where it left off from if it did crash during a batch of images. It is extremely hard to do this manually.
Also it extends past the scope of this thread, but there really should be an option for a batch to export with the same folder structure to the “Save To” location. So if you want to update all of your photos from the past 10 years which are in 50 folders, you can essentially create an upscaled version of your folder structure.
Mixing them in with the same folder isn’t very good and a bit messy. Saving images from 50 different folders into 1 output folder also isn’t good. What I ended up doing is creating a copy of my main photos folder and then just overwriting them by “Save to Original Folder”.