Option to generate new timestamp or keep original time stamp

Hello Topazlabs team,

I found an annoying bug that it is VERY confusing when you need to know which file you generated after export or after a bunch of tests.

For some reason, when TVAI export a video, the new file gets the same time stamp of the original file and not the timestamp when it was generated.


Please include a fix for it in your roadmap.


Video AI version 3.1.11 (windows)
export settings: h264 high (nvidia)
container: mp4
bitrate: auto
audio settings: none


I guess they never got around to fixing this.

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Some prefer the original date, so i guess this needs to be “as” an option for the user to choose from, rather then thinking of it as a bug. Topaz needs to add this as a selection option, that way it would meet everyone’s needs.

I agree, turn the bug into feature by allowing the user to be able to select the behaviour of the date is a better option.

Personally this ‘bug’ seems a little pointless to me: TVAI doesn’t have output options that are good enough for final viewing. No matter what, I’m going to have to encode the output with another program.

If anything is done with it, I also think giving the user the option to choose how the date is handled is the best way to go.

But this “bug” seems to be only in new versions.
Old versions always generated the current time (which annoyed me because I preferred the original file :slight_smile: ).

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this might not be necessarily a bug, but could be a feature they added in newer versions.
I agree with @ForSerious , for me it’s not relevant as I always encode my final results with 3rd party tool and with TVAI i always export it as lossless (FFV1). so the final encoding (e.g. Hybrid, Avidemux, Handbrake, VidCoder, etc.) will date the files as per the tool’s in use settings.
TVAI dates & timestamps becomes obsolete and irrelevant, at least for me.

Time stamp is not a fancy organization info, this is also used as proof of work, and help to track when the version was generated (including in legal disputes). If you generate a new file from another file, it must have the time stamp when it was generated, this is the rule since the OS systems exists, if the software is not behaving this way, it is a bug.
If they are going to ignore the bug, correct, or turn into a feature (by giving the user the opportunity to choose which way they want output the time stamp), it is another history.

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Pretty sure you can change time stamp information easily without any means of being detected. They should not be taken seriously in legal disputes.

I suggest you opening an official support ticket with Topaz about this matter raising your concerns that it disrupts your workflow.

Hi everyone,

I’ve logged this thread as a feature request and will follow up with our dev team to see if an option to choose between a new timestamp and the original timestamp of the input video can be added to the app preferences.


I would appreciate this. I would prefer this as an option. I can understand both points of view as I have video from cell phones etc. where I want to preserve the original date and still enhance the video or resize it. Those people who organize videos and photos based on date/time will surely appreciate the ability to keep the original DateTaken or DateTimeOriginal dates and times.
Even though that is my preference, I can certainly see this being a hindrance to others as they stated in their workflow. However, I’m sure it was probably implemented as a request, and not a bug.
My 2 cents…

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It is a very good point for organization in phone enviroment. But still have the same issue to easly identify a sequence of runs when you have multiple same file.
Maybe they could solve the issue by they way the naming steps happens, for example:
original name
original name_1_then the filters XPTO
original name_2_then the filters ATO

original name_the filters ATO
original name_the filters XPTO
original name_the filters XPTO_1

I would prefer the output files get the time stamp of when they are created not the time stamp of the source file.

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Any update on this? I just found this thread today and I wanted to let you know that the overwriting of the “date created” timestamp after processing by Gigapixel has been a huge pain for me for my last few months of photo editing.

If you think about it, no one cares when their photographs were processed by Gigapixel. What they care about is the date the original photo was taken. If there is no “date taken” metadata, we have to rely on the “date created” metadata and Gigapixel seems to be destroying that after editing.

It seems like a simple feature to implement. Just have a checkbox to preserve the “date created”, store that date, then when creating the new file, write that stored date to the new file.