Errors during export

  1. The bug / behavior you have encountered
    Eroors during export.

  2. Your system profile
    tested on: Topaz Video AI Beta v5.0.4.0.b,; 5.0.3, 5.02
    System Information
    OS: Windows v11.23
    CPU: Intel(R) Core™ i9-14900K 127.75 GB
    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4080 15.674 GB
    drivers: studio 551.23
    GPU: Intel(R) UHD Graphics 0.125 GB

  3. Your log files (Help > Logging > Get Logs for Support) (1.0 MB)

  4. Any screenshots as necessary

[Please be sure to have searched for your bug before posting. Duplicate posts will be removed.]

Looks like the GPU was overwhelmed when trying to run 4 AI models on one clip at a time. Try breaking this up into two passes.

Open the Preferences Panel and change the following settings as well to give your GPU some room.


  1. Ensure that your GPU is selected for the AI Processor - RTX 4080
  2. Set the max memory to 80%
  3. Set max processes to 1
  4. Save the settings and close the panel.
  5. Re-run your clip through the process that you were trying.

We tested these settings. Unfortunately no change, the errors still appear.
We have reinstalled Windows 11 from scratch, so that there is a clean system. To this Studio 555.85 and Topaz 5.1 beta drivers. again the error appears. Logs are attached. We will test older versions of the drivers and Topaz. (2.8 MB)

Topaz Video AI Beta  v5.1.0.0.b
System Information
OS: Windows v11.23
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-14900K  127.75 GB
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4080  15.674 GB
GPU: Intel(R) UHD Graphics  0.125 GB
Processing Settings
device: 2 vram: 0.8 instances: 1
Input Resolution: 3840x2160
Benchmark Results
Artemis		1X: 	04.59 fps 	2X: 	02.19 fps 	4X: 	00.61 fps 	
Iris		1X: 	04.03 fps 	2X: 	02.44 fps 	4X: 	00.81 fps 	
Proteus		1X: 	03.95 fps 	2X: 	02.50 fps 	4X: 	00.90 fps 	
Gaia		1X: 	02.29 fps 	2X: 	01.46 fps 	4X: 	00.70 fps 	
Nyx		1X: 	01.45 fps 	2X: 	01.85 fps 	
Nyx Fast		1X: 	03.16 fps 	
4X Slowmo		Apollo: 	07.81 fps 	APFast: 	14.72 fps 	Chronos: 	02.63 fps 	CHFast: 	04.91 fps 	
16X Slowmo		Aion: 	05.53 fps 	

Your using the Intel UHD not the RTX4080, thats why.

This is not the case. The rtx 4080 is selected in the settings, and we disabled the Intel card just to be sure. In addition, we subjected the hardware to load tests using OCCT software. This is to rule out hardware problems. Unfortunately, the problem persists. Currently tested with version 5.1.1 and studio drivers 546.33 (279.6 KB)

Something is off in the logs on how your system is seeing the GPU card. It has it listed as Device 0 and 2 which could be leading to the issue where the app is over running the VRAM and causing the memory crash.

Only Topaz sees this card double. Checking in device manager, powersehll, msinfo, dxdiag - everywhere the system sees correctly.
To be sure, once again the computer has been formatted. Clean windows 11, drivers studio 555.99 and Topaz 5.1.2. After running the first encode in the log again you see that Topaz duplicates the rtx entry:

2024-06-07 08:56:05 7440 INFO: Available GPU LIST
2024-06-07 08:56:05 7440 INFO: 0 Memory Info 81463869440016024338432
2024-06-07 08:56:05 7440 INFO: 0 Device Id: 0 Name: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4080 VRAM: 15.6738 GB DataType: 2 Serial:xxx Visible: 1 Index: 0
2024-06-07 08:56:05 7440 INFO: 1 Memory Info 340234270720067778418688
2024-06-07 08:56:05 7440 INFO: 1 Device Id: 2 Name: Microsoft Basic Render Driver VRAM: 0 GB DataType: 2 Serial: xxx Visible: 0 Index: 0
2024-06-07 08:56:05 7440 INFO: 2 Memory Info 81463869440016024338432
2024-06-07 08:56:05 7440 INFO: 2 Device Id: 1 Name: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4080 VRAM: 15.6738 GB DataType: 2 Serial: xxx Visible: 0 Index: 0
2024-06-07 08:56:05 7440 INFO: 0 Device Id: 1 Name: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4080 VRAM: 1.7171e+10 GB DataType: 2 Serial: . M+ N[  Visible: 0 Index: 0
2024-06-07 08:56:05 7440 INFO: === System Information ===
2024-06-07 08:56:05 7440 INFO: OS Windows Version 11.23
2024-06-07 08:56:05 7440 INFO: CPU Intel(R) Core™ i9-14900K Threads 32 AVX 1 AVX2 1 VNNI 1
2024-06-07 08:56:05 7440 INFO: Is Apple Processor 0
2024-06-07 08:56:05 7440 INFO: RAM 127.747 GB Total / 6.39641 Free/Used
2024-06-07 08:56:05 7440 INFO: Machine ID: xxx
2024-06-07 08:56:05 7440 INFO: Device count: 1
2024-06-07 08:56:05 7440 INFO: - Index 0 Name NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4080 Cores 0
2024-06-07 08:56:05 7440 INFO: VRAM 15.6738 GB Total / 0 GB Used DataType 2
2024-06-07 08:56:05 7440 INFO: Serial xxx ComputeLevel: 809 CUDA ID: 0 Visible: 1 Legacy: 0

Bez tytułu2

Looks like I’ve got the same issue. I’m running a 4090 and I can’t export anything at all. Not even a short clip using Iris (with no resizing/upscaling)

2024-06-08 11:24:48 7308 INFO: 0 Device Id: 0 Name: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 VRAM: 23.5762 GB DataType: 2 Serial: 0000000000014f9f Visible: 1 Index: 0
2024-06-08 11:24:48 7308 INFO: 1 Memory Info 340488181760067829200896
2024-06-08 11:24:48 7308 INFO: 1 Device Id: 1 Name: Microsoft Basic Render Driver VRAM: 0 GB DataType: 2 Serial: 0000000000015f9e Visible: 0 Index: 0
2024-06-08 11:24:48 7308 INFO: 0 Device Id: 1 Name: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 VRAM: 2.57567e+10 GB DataType: 2 Serial: ; HR }

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For comparison, I took other upscaling software. The test of upscaling from HD to UHD on a 135GB file passed without problems.

We swapped the 4080 card for a 3070 rtx however, it did not bring any change. Similarly swapped the memory and reduced from 128gb to 64gb. Each time the system installed from scratch

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