Error trying to use Proteus Enhancement on Intel Iris

Not sure Iris is supported but stabilization and framerate changing works, so I hope this can be resolved.

  1. only Proteus enhancement was used in default settings
  2. W11 Lenovo laptop

logsForSupport.tar.gz (2.0 KB)

  1. Any screenshots as necessary


The log files attached here don’t show any failed exports. Could you try recreating the issue now that logging is enabled and sending the files again?

I failed to mention that I was only previewing not exporting (i.e. not hitting the export button but preview button instead) - not sure if that makes a difference… will try again and attach new log

ok, now even the export (which uses Artemis model instead) failed - just like the preview, at the very end of the process… so 1,5 h wasted today even though preview with Artemis actually generated a correct output file before… attaching new log
logsForSupport.tar.gz (2.0 KB)

This file is also empty (2KB)

You should see some files with names like “2023-08-22-13-47-22-Main.tzlog” in the “AppData\Roaming\Topaz Labs LLC\Topaz Video AI\logs” folder that opens when selecting “Open Log Folder” from the Help menu.

lol, of course that file is there… I wonder why it is not in the archive marked as logsForSupport? attaching the main log…
2023-08-22-15-10-40-Main.tzlog (1.9 MB)


Unfortunately the Intel Iris Xe Graphics card in your system does not meet the minimum graphics requirements for Video AI and will be unable to perform most tasks in the app. Video AI relies heavily on the graphics card of your system for processing, and speeds will vary significantly based on the settings and filters selected in the app.

I’d recommend trying the same clip again after changing the “Max Memory Usage” setting to 25% or even 10% to see if there’s an improvement in stability.

File → Preferences → Processing


Topaz Video AI System Requirements

That actually helped. Thanks a lot!

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