Education | Photo AI Showing Full Uncropped Image In Edit Selection Panels

When using a TIFF as the base photo file to edit/enhance in standalone Topaz Photo AI and Edit Selection is required to add/edit/remove Subjects to a Sharpen or Lighting enhancement step, if a Crop is also part of the process flow, I consistently lose the edits made for purposes of performing the desired enhancement step. My process flow is,

  • open the full TIFF

  • denoise the whole photo

  • crop the photo to only the desired final area

  • select Sharpen or Lighting or any enhancement that recognizes a Subject

  • edit the Subject via Edit Selection

    • at this point, Topaz immediately reverts to the entire TIFF as originally opened (crop gone)
    • no Subject highlight (glowing red) is immediately evident in any region that had been cropped-out
    • using this original larger photo region (uncropped), I edit the Subject adding or removing areas as necessary
    • I switch to the Controls tab for the enhancement at which point cropping is suddenly recognized again
    • I hover the mouse pointer over “Subject” and my glowing red edits have been transposed to new locations on the cropped canvas
    • it is evident that the edits are not carried through properly to the cropped window
  • This problem exists whether or not I crop first, or if I setup all enhancement steps (including Edit Selections) and then crop as a final step

  • This sort of transposition should not occur

  • For the time being I will always crop TIFFS and JPGs before attempting to bring them into Topaz for enhancement

If another approach is correct or better, please advise. Thanks!

That is normal behavior, in all Edit Selection panels, the whole file will always show, just like in Super Focus, or Remove tool. Tha is because until export, the whole file is still kept, as we have many users that export at different sizes, and it’s important to keep the whole image for these cases, or if you change your mind and want to crop differently as well.

To force a crop in all panels, you will have to crop ahead, yes!

Ange, Thank you for confirming the correct approach. I will always crop prior to importing into Topaz to mitigate any transposition confusion with Edit Selection, Super Focus, or Remove.