Downloaded 2.0.10 Installer - Got 'Beta' Response on Launch

I’m posting here vs under general Product info because I downloaded the Win 2.0.10 (production) installer from the Topaz Downloads page after getting an alert there was an update available.

When I launched the installer it responded saying it detected my beta and was going to remove it before doing an install.

Odd because I don’t have any active Topaz betas installed on my Win 7 PC… I’d uninstalled the experimental beta (which had uninstalled the face detection beta).

I aborted the install because I wasn’t sure what it thought it was going to do. Is it possible for someone to check the installer on the publicly accessible Downloads page for Studio to see if the right installer is there for Windows for 2.0.10?


It may be just a issue with the text showing on the installer. I had this happen previously with a new install and not an update, it has been reported but I assumed the panels had been fixed.

Just check the folder that it is being removed from and if it is the production one it will delete and install the right version.

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I wonder if the problems is Windows 7, its so old that I don’t believe Microsoft supports it anymore. You might want to update to Win 10.

No, the problem is with the installer as I use win 10. But the upgrade advice is good advice and everyone should consider it seriously.

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Hmmm. I’ll have to see if I can tell what folder a program’s being removed from… To be honest I’ve just always seen a list of programs in my Control Panel, clicked on the one I wanted removed, then hit Uninstall w/out really looking to see if it told me where the file was. I just always looked to see the folder I wanted to go away, did. Sometimes it didn’t. Now I’ll have to go look to see if it’s obvious where the folder is located.

I’ll have to weigh the Win 7 → Win 10 biz. I bought my PC last yr specifically b/c I could still get Win 7 on it (which I was comfortable using &, at the time, I wanted to be sure Win 10 was copacetic after all the Win 8 nonsense). I know that allegedly Win 10 is supposed to be more secure. But you are too young to hear what I think about some Msft things (like their mobile Outlook app…and what they’ve done to it); sorry Terry! Plus I know my mostly older 3rd party plugins work with my PC and Ps CC on Win 7. And, I definitely don’t want the newer releases for several that have changed what they are philosophically. I’m old enough to have grown up with a ‘if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it’ mentality.

Thx for the reply!

Don’t forget that there is no further support from January 14 coming.

Oh! I didn’t know that. Thx for the heads up!!