[Dots on face] - Face Recovery Gen 2 Realistic Mode only, Makes Dots

I’ve noticed that when using the “recover faces” slider in the latest version of Photo AI that there is a marked tendency for the software to introduce a 5-day stubble on clean-shaven men as well as some women where non was present to begin with.
This looks ridiculous when working on images taken 90 odd years ago.
Is this someone’s idea of a joke or something?

I have passed this information along to the development to in order to help them make the Recover Face enhancement better! For the dots in the face, this is a current task our development team is working on and we’ve learned that it is only occurring while using the Face Gen 2 Beta model. I’ve added your contact info to an ongoing ticket we’ve opened with the development team, and we will contact you once a fix has been released for this.

In the meantime, if you need to use the Face Recovery enhancement can you try selecting the Face Gen 1 option from the Version selection option:

Hi, Any plans to fix the measles look on the recovered faces?
These red dots occur when the recovery slider is at its maximum value but sometimes even at any value.

I’ve just tried to reproduce the problem but found to get the same effect as before is not straightforward so it is probably ephemeral in nature.
What I was getting was glaringly obvious so If I stumble across it again I’ll rush you an example.
Thanks for your assistance.

@xperience2305 Make sure to see John’s post. The dots are on the development team’s radar to fix, as this Generation 2 Tool is in beta :slight_smile: It seems to occur in the Realistic mode of Generation 2 only. Make sure in the Recover Face Panel to select either Creative in Generation 2, or use Generation 1.