Dion color range convertion

Source: Interlaced cartoon. Version: 5.0.3
I’v compared Dion 1x deinterlace and Proteus 1x deinterlace (in both cases “interlaced” source selected).
Also output was set to 1440x1080 square pixel upscale.
Results are different in colors. Dion is “darker” but not everywhere - looks like Dion during upscale also converts limited source color range (16-235) to full color range (0-255). Proteus lightness is same as in input.
Not sure if its a bug. But I think upscale software should not change color range (or in all cases should change it to full).

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Could you share the original file, both exports and the logs to my dropbox for testing?

  1. To gather logs, please select Help > Logging > Get Logs for Support and upload the zip
  2. Submit Files to Dropbox

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