Dingo pup - two ways


Both super, but I really love the top one!


with @tennie on this

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Like the top one.

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I’m with the top one as well.

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Looks like the top one may be the winner. Well done on both.

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Where was the Dingo photographed please Sharon?

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They have such an adorable face…but don’t get to close. Nice work with these.

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Do not interact with Dingoes. They are wild animals. If you visit Australia, do not interact and do not feed them. They are endangered because of human interaction. If you leave food around and they attack, they get put down because of human interference because tourists do not obey the rules of dingo interaction. This is a brief description only of how to view dingos but protect them from extinction. (Ask me for more information please to protect these wonderful pure Genetic creatures). They are on an island and have not bred with dogs.

Fraser Island Dingoes are the most pure Dingo on the planet. They need protection. But tourists are flooding the island and not respecting the Dingoes. They are not respecting the fact that they are wild animals. They are not dogs. The tourists think because they look skinny and are ‘dogs’ they have to be fed. That is not the case.

I would plead with anyone going to Fraser Island on a holiday to please SAVE THE DINGOES and not approach or feed them.

People don’t obey the rules and dingoes get the blame. The dingoes on Fraser Island are reaching crisis point in the killing.

Dingoes are also in zoos and I sincerely hope and I think - that Sharon took this shot in a zoo.

Very nice work!

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This cutie was photographed at the zoo where Sunshine Plantation (Big Pineapple) used to be.

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Just doing my bit on your back to save the dingoes, Sharon. I hope you didn’t mind.