Don’t laugh. So I purchased a trial pack of new paper for my printer and I wanted to compare color depth, saturation, contrast etc. against the paper I’ve been using. Well, one thing led to another and here’s what happened. A bit out of my wheel house for sure and maybe a bit too much Kona Coffee. None the less – fun…
“The painting has a life of its own. I try to let it come through.” Jackson Pollock
Yup - that is wild! Get the right gallery and the hype - who knows?
very nicely done - even it it was my wheelhouse (which it isn’t but thanks @Kathy_9), there is plenty of room for everyone - what did you conclude about your original questions?
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Aloha Flick,
Yeah, so based on what I’m seeing, I am going to switch from Epson Ultra-Premium Presentation Paper Matte to Museo Portfolio Rag and planning to use Muse Textured Rag for my Impression images. I’m finding the prints with Museo are noticeably richer.
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