I’ve got the project to denoise (and subsequently upscale after that) all the episodes of Dragon Ball which have been totally recolored by the team Seed of Might (Does anyone know them ?).
The problem is that all the episodes have terrible noise all the time.
So I need your help please. No matter what I do, no matter what program I take, and no matter what settings I apply, I never get the desired result. Either, there are artifacts that are added to the video when there were none, or everything is not denoized and therefore there remain spots of noise on the images, or I have ghosts images of the previous frames.
Do you have any ideas for configurations and settings to recommend me ?
I’m novice, so I’m really lost, I don’t know what to do anymore. I spent days and hours on it but nothing is going well.
Thank you for your help and for teaching me
I’ll give you the links just to the opening of the anime only. Just in case you want to try and maybe guide me in the configuration and help me carry out my project.
Try Neat Video’s Noise Reduction. The website looks like scamware (it is not), the UI looks like it was built for Windows Millennium Edition, but it is one of the best noise reduction tools out there, giving you independent spatial and temporal adjustments. It is a plugin to your edit suite - typically Neat Video is designed for enabling an editor or colorist to apply different noise reduction settings per-scene (which may be less important in Anime), rather than one setting for a whole video.
Neat Video has a noise profile preview mode which breaks the video into Luma and Chroma, enabling you to see where your noise is coming from. It has a noise profiler, where you can identify temporal noise, and repeat frames.
Loads of great info on the Neat Video blog and the user manual.
You can play about with Neat Video and a free version of Resolve and the Neat Video watermarked demo.
If you want to reduce noise, then Neat Video is the way to go, potentially then using TVAI to then do enhance and super resolution. Neat Video has such a strong reputation that they can get away with an outdated website and UI.