DeNoise no longer works after update to 3.7.1 in Windows 10

I was asked to update my DeNoise app and as soon as I did it stopped working. I am using Windows 10 with 8GB Ram. It was working until the update. Now when launched, the splash screen comes up then goes away. App does not open past that. It does not open as stand-alone or from within Lightroom.
Reinstalled from website, even uninstalled and reinstalled from full install; still nothing.

I’m seeing the same issue. I run DeNoise in Linux with Wine, and targeting Windows 7, 10, 11 I can say in all cases 3.7.0 works, 3.7.1 crashes after the splash screen. This happens if updated in the same OS, or clean installed. U installing 3.7.1 and installing 3.7.0 also works. The cli logs aren’t very useful, and as the app doesn’t start, I haven’t been able to enable file logging for more details.