Create links between all products

Salve a tutti che ne dite se Topaz Labs crea dei collegamenti tra i vari programmi in modo tale che se per esempio vogliamo passare delle foto estrapolate da topaz Video AI in topaz Photo o Topaz Gigapixel o Topaz De Noise o Topaz Sharpen, invece di salvare il tutto nella directory cliccando sulla spunta del relativo programma aprirebbe il relativo programma trasferendo il lavoro nel relativo programma e una volta finito il lavoro su questo programma o sugli altri se il lavoro è finito si decide di salvarlo nella directory il tutto con un notevole risparmio di tempo e di una migliore fruibilità tra un programma e l’altro, grazie mille e vorrei sapere la vostra opinione e quella dei sviluppatori.

Hello everyone, what do you say if Topaz Labs creates links between the various programs in such a way that if for example we want to pass photos extrapolated from topaz Video AI to topaz Photo or Topaz Gigapixel or Topaz De Noise or Topaz Sharpen, instead of saving everything in the directory by clicking on the relevant program check box it would open the relevant program by transferring.

Please translate anything you post on this forum as it is an English language forum.

You can do it in google translate by first typing in your native language and copying the translation.

Note that Photo AI contains the functionality of the other 3 products.

Hi all, what do you think if Topaz Labs creates links between the various programs, if for example we are using Topaz video AI and we have extrapolated the photos by clicking on the tick of the relative program, it would transfer the work to the relative program which is Topaz Photo, Topaz Gigapixel, Topaz De Noise, Topaz Sharpen, and when the job is finished it would be saved in the directory, with a considerable saving of time and a better usability between programs, thanks a lot to all and I would like to know what you and the developers think.

That is precisely the idea behind Photo-AI

ie Topaz Photo = (Topaz Gigapixel, Topaz De Noise, Topaz Sharpen)

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