Compression factor

Or. along what was suggested earlier (as well by me), simply forget about having VEAI be an endstream-encoder. It tries to, but simply severely lacks in finetuning for it. And to just use a lossless output.

And yeah, NVENC is crap; subsidiarily, can’t be taken serious for high-quality production-level output.


Looks interesting, although I have my doubts on the stability, maybe if I have the time I’ll test it.

Typically when you export a video from Resolve its often combination of VFX, Audio FX, color grading , third party plug ins applied to the clips etc and generally I find Resolve’s own “deliver page” for export of the final video, to be stable since its optimized for the program itself. Third party solution like Voukoder with “Connector plugin” could prove to be less stable, but I’ll have to test.

It does seem to support lot of useful options, ugly as hell though, like for most developers/coders, UI design seems to be foreign language.

As someone said; “Only one company can be the cheapest. All others must use design.” —Rodney Fitch, Fitch & Co.

“BTW, I’d stay away from NVIDIA’s encoder (in your pic). Sure, it’s blazingly fast, but that’s because it’s really just meant for real-time stuff like streaming games to Twitch.”

Why? If I’m uploading to social media, its going to get converted to their native format anyway, but at least I have a small file that looks good to upload. If I’m delivering to a commercial client or for archive than other formats are usually used. if its for VFX team than its probably going to be some kind of image sequence, TIFF or DPX.

Voukoder, like so many of its sort, is just a shell/wrapper, and no more inherently stable than the underlying encoders it’s calling.

That sounds nice in theory, but practice is often different… soon as you have some other app to connect to Voukoder like the "“Connector plugin”, you have just added another point of failure you have to think about. And while ability to export video in Resolve is build by the same team that builds the rest of it and has been tested quite a bit, it is going to be less likely to crash.

That is why I’m not a fan of so called “dynamic link”, (equivalent to "“Connector plugin”, ) Adobe uses to connect Premier Pro and After Effects to Adobe Media Encoder (equivalent to Voukoder ), It sounds nice in theory and promo materials and tutorials, in real usage, though, far from perfect. Crashes a lot of times and forums at Adobe are full of frustrated users.

When you add complexity to the process you risk stability. Simple as that.

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Adobe can’t really be used as an example for anything because nobody else is in the position they’re in, besides maybe Autodesk and Apple. They know they can safely coast along without fixing bugs or even trying and they’ll still be making billions hand over fist, because they have entire industries in the palm of their hand. That’s a far different situation from someone like Vouk who only has one thing to get right, and who can’t afford for his software to be ruining projects as if it’s some Adobe product.

Adobe’s “dynamic link” is not at all the same thing as a plugin. It’s what makes Adobe Media Encoder able to render After Effects projects even if After Effects is closed, for example. Meanwhile, a plugin is typically just a single file and in the case of Voukoder’s scary “connector plugin”, it simply points to a couple executable files which are placed in their own directory for multiple editors to access. It’s done this way so that if there are updates, you only have to install it one time instead of multiple times for all the editors you’re using it with. This has been a common practice for many plugins for ages and is definitely not a reason to be throwing red flags. In fact, I wish Topaz would make a After Effects plugin like that to connect it to VEAI, but that’s another topic.

Anyone worth a damn who uses some kind of content editor professionally every day for more than a couple years has come to rely on one or more plugins to improve their workflow. That means anything from just an encoder to an entire 3D rendering suite. Limiting yourself to just the vanilla experience of Resolve or whatever is frankly pointless and won’t save you any headaches. Plugins have become their own industry and as far as I’m concerned, they’re more reliable than the software they’re being used on. It’s impossible to figure out how many times an Adobe or Autodesk product has crashed on me for no reason, and yet I can’t remember something like Voukoder or Chaos Labs V-Ray crashing once.

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"Adobe can’t really be used as an example for anything because nobody else is in the position they’re in, besides maybe Autodesk and Apple. They know they can safely coast along without fixing bugs or even trying and they’ll still be making billions hand over fist, because they have entire industries in the palm of their hand. "

That is true.

“That’s a far different situation from someone like Vouk who only has one thing to get right, and who can’t afford for his software to be ruining projects as if it’s some Adobe product.”

I wonder about the resources, though.

“Adobe’s “dynamic link” is not at all the same thing as a plugin. It’s what makes Adobe Media Encoder able to render After Effects projects even if After Effects is closed, for example. Meanwhile, a plugin is typically just a single file and in the case of Voukoder’s scary “connector plugin”, it simply points to a couple executable files which are placed in their own directory for multiple editors to access. It’s done this way so that if there are updates, you only have to install it one time instead of multiple times for all the editors you’re using it with. This has been a common practice for many plugins for ages and is definitely not a reason to be throwing red flags”

In theory yes. In practice, without tests its hard to argue either way.

By the way I do use many plug ins in Resolve and Adobe, and at the end of the day its all software, so some are buggy and some are less buggy. Sooner or later they all crash.

Our experiences, personal experience my differ. Combination of various plug ins, their versions that may or may not be the same, various hardware configurations etc.

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