Color Noise and Noise Reduction

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Steps to reproduce issue:

I am disappointed with its ability reduce video noise even though I tried several diff options in Enhancement section, Also it does poor job with getting rid of color noise.


Topaz Photo AI [v1.x.x] on [Windows/Mac]

I just want to confirm with you that you are using Topaz Photo AI and not Topaz Video AI

I noticed in your post that you had an issue with the video noise.

Thank you for your quick reply.

I am no longer using Video AI. I do not notice improvements in improving old videos, improve sharpness nor noise reduction. I got the refund. Thank you. Hopefully in the future.

As far as Photo AI, though I have it I don’t use it after long try. The main problem with Photo AI is the color noise … I am fully satisfied with the individual Apps.


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