CLI is not working on 2.07

I have a server to process my photo’s and video’s and while I am trying to get PhotoAI to work on de CLI I get this error:
ExifTool loaded!
Warning: failed to load, something strange about this perl…
[ WARN:0@3,796] global
C:.conan\918058\1\source_subfolder\modules\core\src\matrix_expressions.cpp (1334)
cv::MatOp_AddEx::assign OpenCV/MatExpr: processing of multi-channel arrays might be
changed in the future: core: inconsistency of addition for multi-channel Mat and Scalar · Issue #16739 · opencv/opencv · GitHub
Error | [CLI] Engine canceled processing

I’ve seen quite a few versions which have this error and I am getting a bit frustrated.
The CLI would save me loads of time and I know I can update to a newer version, but my bug from spring 2023 is still in progress and I keep getting the same artifacts quite often, so an update is for me spending money without getting a step forward.

Is there a way to get around the above error?

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