I would like to have the possibility to authenticate my PhotoAI (and probably VideoAI later) via the command line.
When I am on the road I use my computer as a “server” to process my images. This way I don’t have to buy an expensive laptop, instead my beefy Windows computer can process my images.
What is bugging me is, that sometimes the command line says that I need to autenthicate via de app (“Invalid auth token. Please login through the app.”) But I don’t see that message, because I work with a hotfolder. I only see that there is something wrong when I check in again to collect the processed pictures. I have now NoMachine to see this, but not every hotel allows to have traffic on ports other dan 80, 443 and 21. I then have to ask my wife to authenticate, but often when ik work, she is asleep.
When it is possible to authenticate the program via the CLI, I could schedule that command, daily, monthly or how often needed to be safe. I can understand that the command is not to be combined with process task, as this would give too much strain on the auth-servers.
If there is a auth-file which is checked first if it is needed to athenthicate, that could save a lot of traffic to the auth servers.
Thanks, also on behalf of my wife