Cleaning up entire body (not just the face/portrait in Photo AI

Photo AI does a great job cleaning out noise in a facial shot but it seems to leave necks and torsos untouched. Is there a basic way to clean up bodies and faces at once in Photo AI? I can’t seem to find a way.


Same issue here with GigapixelAI. Their Tech does a really good job on faces, but faces end up standing out because connected (or close) skin looks so bad in comparison. I rarely can use what would otherwise be a “must use” feature for this reason.

I really hope that Topaz can come up with a way to add more skin to this algorithm whether by masking or picking similar tones.


I’m still looking for a solution. I’ve been trying to turn off Face recognition and have Topaz Photo look at everything as a landscape. Not much luck there…

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I have the same problem!!!

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We’re working on it! Thanks for all your feedback!

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Just upgraded, and I am having the same problem.

I have the same request. It’s a great recovery of the face but not usable for returning to a customer as a restored image. What i ususally do is blend the other areas manually with the smudge tool to “blend-in” the trashy/noisey areas to appear smooth. This takes a lot of time and effort, but works well if you have the patience to do it.

I would love to see a way to select an area to apply the face recovery algorithm to the selection and have the same great results.

this is an older thread, and Tim Ho says ‘we’re working on that’ my question is - does Gigapixel8 offer this yet - your adverts seem to once again focus on face. Frankly the earlier products are amazing, but when the neck is 10% of the Facial improment then there is little point in using the product as amplifies the differences. Anyone had experience testing Gigapixel8 in this way yet ? Or does Topaz want to comment? Thanks for all the work yuo’ve done to date folks.

In Gigapixel8, it does a great job at restoring the face, but the body is pretty meh, in my experience. Nothing close to the preview images on the website, anyway