…did The Donald ‘photobomb’ me?!? My first use of Affinity Photo - using Topaz Impression 2
Turner Storms 2 pre-set, and a recipe from CEP4.
“Bridge of Sighs” © Jack Torcello
…did The Donald ‘photobomb’ me?!? My first use of Affinity Photo - using Topaz Impression 2
Turner Storms 2 pre-set, and a recipe from CEP4.
“Bridge of Sighs” © Jack Torcello
Great image
Are you satisfied with AFFINITY in comparison to your “older” software?
It seems to do almost everything I want - and though I have had many happy years with Photoshop - after 6 months subscription to Adobe, Affinity is “free” by comparison. It will take some time before my loyalty to Adobe is tested, but I do not see much - what with the complexity and ease of Affinity - which would really compel me to stay!
Watch this space…
I would love to know your feelings - say - in 6 months
Do you have Affinity ElTel?
Nope Jack
I use Lightroom for the management and RAW conversion, plus a little primary processing and then I’m NIK or Topaz or PS or PSP or Helicon Focus should I be stacking or Painter or Painter Essentials should I be “arting”.
I’ve just jettisoned Elements and Serif PhotoPlus and never really used the Sony Raw converter
I agree, with all the power of the Adobe Cloud at my disposal - having Affinity seems like overkill.
But I am keen to see if all the hype that Affinity is a real competitor to Adobe holds any truth… and so far (and as a non-professional) it’s looking good.
I use PSP. I rebel at having to pay rent for my software so I’ve resisted even the affordable monthly stipend for its use. If they ever allow retaining an older copy when a new version is released I might change my mind. Affinity was a software I became aware of from here, downloaded a trial and decided to purchase because I thought some tools were superior to what I had. Some of Affinity’s terminology and methods require a learning curve from me that time has not allowed so it hasn’t been put it to work too much but as far as I’ve gone, I like it.
At $9/month for the Adobe photographers package I feel the rental plan is a great deal. As I recall a copy of Photoshop was around $600 and Lightroom $100. This equates to over 6 years of “rent”. I never kept a copy of PS or LR for nearly this long; I went 2-3 years at most. For me rental seems like a bargain. Since I teach part time at an art school and photography and pottery are my subjects I can also deduct the subscription as an expense from my taxes.
Nice work …
Can’t complain about Affinity Photo, been using it ever since it was a Windows Beta and it has some great functionality and similar to PS but more modern especially with adjustments. Has issues using external PS plugins but that is more caused by Affinity’s use of Alpha channels which is much more modern than PS.
Blend modes are brilliant and also has live filters etc, etc. Will read and save PSD’s, TIFF etc.
It is always advised not to select a product because it is a copy of something else … just like I went from Lightroom to Capture One Pro, I didn’t switch because it was like Lightroom, the switch to Affinity Photo has been a great journey …
If you believe Mac graphics are going to end up on the iPad, then Affinity Photo makes a lot of sense
@john811 - on this side of the pond we’re always a tad envious because LR was £100 approx for purchase which is more than $100 and this is and was the trend for pricing structures across the entire software industry. Nonetheless at £121.20 pa with continual updates I’m not going to complain AND recently I’ve had a few problems with LR on my machine which the Adobe Techies have resolved AND PS and CR and Bridge thrown in ---- I’m happy
Nice job on processing the tourists.
I am liking AP more and more - and will be in plugin heaven when AP and TS finally “marry up!!!”